Chapter Twenty-One

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You pondered a bit and just sighed when each line you drew cracked and snapped when each assumption had no answer. You shook your head at the sinister thoughts that seemed to cloud your vision. What if Tim knew something and he was just holding back out of fear for you? What if he was the reason Masky was obsessing over you? What if... You stood and walked to your room to grab your laptop. You plugged it up and started searching, Masky; had no result that was ethical, The White Mask; didn't either, and then you looked up just The Mask.

Many things popped up, some unrelated to your masked assailant, however, with a couple of article reading you found in short: what you were looking for. Your mind racked as they had pictures you wished to never observe in person. Someone's face bashed and bludgeoned in with a rock, pictures, files. Masky had a very dark, very... An aggressive way of getting dirty work taken care of. You felt a shiver go down your spine as you took it in. A cold-blooded killer was fixated and fascinated on, you.

There really was nothing you could do about it. You sat horrified as you stared at the screen. If he would have just killed you like he had attempted to before; if only he had just killed you. Anything would be better than to know you were a prisoner in the clutches of the devil. You felt dizzy as you cleared your history and stuffed the laptop under your bed. You were dancing with death and in his hand was the chain he held you captive with.

Your heart sank at this thought. The fact you were trapped and that even if you wanted help, nobody could supply it. Nobody in their right mind would want to get involved with helping you out of fear he'd be after them soon. The thought of him showing up only made your heart begin thrusting up into your throat. You turned to the window and watched as it was peeled open. 'Speak of the devil.' You watched as he closed the window and stood at the side of your mattress. "Good evening." He greeted and sat beside you.

He took of a pair of thick brown boots and set them aside. You said nothing and just flashed your hand in a wave-like motion. He grinned at this and just closed his eyes under that damned mask of his. He sat beside you briefly before reaching for your collar and examining the tag. "Beautiful.." He seemed to think aloud. You just allowed him to as his arm wrapped around your waist and tugged you into a hug. You flinched back but returned the gesture. He gripped the clothing on your shirt while the bump for his nose brushed against your shoulder.

You stayed completely still as his hot breaths hit against your neck, with each exhales a shiver ran through your spine. Each and every little movement from him made your heart race and slam against the confines of your ribcage; it was almost making you panic thinking he could feel the intensity of fear. Your fear of him was even worse than it had been previously. It made you start to believe he was only toying with you. "A little birdy told me that you like to go look at Christmas lights. Well... I found out by watching you with him.."

His voice seemed to crack like the wood on your front door when he had slammed against it. "You're lucky he's gone."  You looked into the heartless eyes behind the mask as he pulled your chin up. "You belong to me." He leaned close and backed you into the wall beside you. You turned your head just a little when you felt his tongue once again lap up the tears that dripped off your face. The wet muscle made your skin crawl. Each abrupt movement or shudder made his actions increase before he took a fistful of your hair and held you against the wall.

You screeched in pain as he held your mane of now mangled hair and stared into your eyes. "Don't forget your place, pet." You sniffled and nodded. His heated rage never leaving his eyes as he pulled you up into his lap and tipped your neck up. You squeezed your eyes shut as his teeth clamped onto the M on your skin. He lapped and tore until the skin that sealed over was torn and ripped.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now