Chapter Nineteen

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The morning soon flooded along with the blare of your alarm. Before you got up, you stole a glance out the window. A snowstorm was violently encasing your house in a white daze. Anything aside from the windowsill was covered in snow; much to your amusement, however, was the fact there was snow in disarray. A large crevasse was slowly being filled again with snow but before it was some boot tracks you knew were all too familiar. You snorted at the thought of him staggering to his feet after slipping, only to slip and fall again like a cartoon.

You could almost hear the disapproving groan from behind his mask as he stared at the starry night sky flat on his back in the snow. You again stifled a laugh at this; the thought of your big and scary stalker lose to snow made a smile cross your lips. At least he wouldn't be determined enough to bother you today... Besides, you had Tim to hang out with and that was pretty much all you had to 'worry' about.

The honest amount of trust you had in him was astonishing, to say the least; typically you tried not to make many guy friends, but you and he seemed to click. From your last encounter, he seemed... Off though, for instance: he was much less cocky; he was much more in tune with the area around him, he didn't seem as disheveled as before, and he seemed much more... Mellow. Not saying it was bad, just some things you picked up on since your first encounter.

To be completely honest, he seemed like an entirely different person. You looked around your house and found it just to be you. With a small smile, you started to tidy up, make breakfast and then go upstairs to nap. It was still early and you doubted anything was going to happen aside from you having to explain why the heat was cranked up. You shrugged and continued on your way to your room.

About two hours later you heard a knock at the door that startled you at first. As you headed down the stairs and peered through the illuminated glass window beside the door you quickly opened it and yanked the big burly man inside. "Are you crazy?! Coming over in this weather you must be a bit lost in the head!" You laughed and looked at a concerned and slightly startled Tim. He didn't respond immediately but when he did you continued laughing. "Hey! I have the pizza with me and that was warm enough for me!"

You shook your head and left him to take off his shoes, and as he raised his head a blanket ensnared itself around his face. He grunted under it and lifted his head and jerked it back so the blanket would be around his shoulders. "You look.." he started and flashed a lopsided smile. "Comfortable. Did I wake you up or something?" You snorted at this and shook your head. The vibration of a giggle resting on your chest. "Nah, I was just in my room for... A while." You mumbled as your eyes flicked to the time.

"So movies... What do you want to watch?" You asked and grabbed plates for both you and him while he opened the box for pizza and watched you. Much to your delight he mumbled; "American Horror Story." And you happily agreed. You pulled him into the living room after a bit of conversing, both getting comfortable on the couch as you clicked on the show and curled up in your fuzzy blanket. Tim did the same with the equally fuzzy blanket.

Much to your pleasure you also took note Masky, would not creep you out while you were watching the show this time. After that one encounter you laid off the creepy shows just in case he decided to pop up and scare the living shit out of you. Tim stole a glance or two at you, as the show continued you noticed and he grew just a little flustered. He tried to play it off like it was cool and he intended to though, whether it be a nod or a wink at you.

You couldn't help but snicker at this. He was quite the dork; not that you were complaining or anything. You were also a dork and probably would have done the same things. Occasionally though, you would poke him abruptly out of nowhere and when asked about it, you'd simply shrug it off and pretend you had no idea what he was talking about. He smirked at this little game and decided to play along, after a time of this the two of you started an all-out poking war.

"Hey, Tim." You said after settling down and answering a text from your father. "Hmm?" He hummed back, his hair pricking and curling through. "Thanks."

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