Chapter Twenty

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Tim nodded and smiled at you. "Yeah, no problem short stack. You're probably my only close friend around here anyway," he shrugged tapping his lip. "Come to think of it, yeah you are. My other friends live a bit out of town from here." You nodded and felt a small sense of pride at the comment. You would have admitted that he was probably the first, well physical friend you had. Everyone else lived in another state or different county so it was difficult to really hang out with anyone.

He hummed and fuzzed your hair in his hand before losing his train of thought. "So, last night.. Are you alright?" He asked in a serious tone. It briefly threw you off, but you nodded and rested your head back. He softly began petting your hair and you didn't complain. Tim's smile slightly returned as he sighed. "I worried a bit about you last night, it's not often someone uses me as a shoulder to cry on, you know? I'm not complaining though, you looked like you needed it.."

He pursed his lips and then looked at your face, carefully studying it. You nodded and shut your eyes to avoid looking at him directly. "Yeah, it's my normal... I'm sorry if that kinda took you by surprise, it was really random." He shrugged and slid you closer; his fingers continuing to comb through your hair soothingly. "I don't mind. What are friends for, right?" You nodded and smiled at him. "Yeah. Thanks, Tim."

"No problem."  He responded; his hand fishing out his phone from his pocket as he handed it to you. "Put your number in so if you ever need to call or somethin' I'll be able to help." You cracked a smile and took his phone, labeling yourself as the: "OG Neighbor." He chuckled at the name and you shrugged. "Nerd." He muttered while slipping the phone back inside the confines of his warm coat pouch.

You rolled your eyes, not exactly having a good comeback other than, dork. That was boring so you just said the first thing that came to mind, "okay, you dynamic masked marauder." His eyebrow raised at your name choice but he didn't question it. His eyes like before, flickered to the collar on your neck before he lifted the tag and read it. Something in his eyes flashed but before you could ask he dropped it and just stared at you.

It was almost hypnotizing to you as you stared back and cocked your head. "You okay?" You questioned softly. He lowered his hand from your hair and gently cupped your cheek as he opened his mouth to say something but hesitated. He cleared his throat and turned his attention to the television again, his hand now limp at his side. "Yeah. I'm fine."

You decided it'd be best not to press further on the matter since he looked a bit ill now. "Hey, Tim?" He turned his head to look at you; he was met with a warm and gentle embrace from you. "Thanks again for all of this, and last night. We should hang out a lot more often." The smile came back to his face as he slowly put his arms around you and squeezed tightly. "Yeah. I don't see why we couldn't. You just have to tell me a time and place, I'll be there," you nodded as his head rested just lightly on your shoulder,

He gripped hold of the blanket like he would lose you if he let go. You shut your eyes and sat there like that for a while with him; the two of you in a peaceful and mutual silence as the wind started to kick up again. He said nothing as he raised his head and released you once again. "I should go. Don't want your old man thinking I did something to you." He stood and wrapped you in the blanket that still held his warmth and scent on it.

He smiled at you and stared for a while longer before putting on his shoes and walking out the door, tightly shutting it behind him as the storm raged on. You watched his silhouette disappear in the bleach white abyss outside and fade away into the slowly deteriorating color of the sky. You felt something was wrong and off, something made his uneasy.. Did he know who Masky was or was it just unsettling in general?

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