Chapter Thirty-Seven

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It was hours. Hours? Yeah. Hours. Since Tim had taken off again. You were worried about the upcoming blizzard but there wasn't much you could do from the confines of the room you had generously decked out after making a great risk of leaving your bathroom. In the midst of the chaos, you quite happily answered a call from your mother. Like always when she called from the confines of the prison; it was always bittersweet. The fifteen-minute call and then nothing but the static noise after. A frown crossed your features as the empty promises you made taunted you. "Be safe."

Those two words were taunting in a way because the chaos you were currently being subject to seemed to always tear any kind of safe feeling from you. Being safe was just not an option. Maybe cautious was a better phrase to use. Yeah, be cautious, would have sufficed much better. Your heart froze at the heavy slam on your window. "Oh, Jesus not again, for the love of-" your words were torn from your mouth as Masky appeared in your view with a smirk seemingly radiating from underneath his mask.

"Miss me?" He croaked. His disgruntled voice ringing in your ear as his rugged appearance slipped through the cracked window like a specter. His head rested lopsided as he grinned at you. "What... No hug? No warm welcome?" The bloodstains on his jacket sent a shiver up your spine. They were old but still. He grew impatient with trying to wait for you to comply so he pulled you into his chest roughly. Your breath hitched at the coolness coming off of him. He felt like ice. "No warm welcome then?" He smirked. "I thought you'd at least scream for me." You winced as his finger trapped your gaze into his.

Your heart sank as his thumb stroked your bottom lip slowly. The faint trace of blood and tobacco lingering as he wrapped his other arm around your hips and swayed with you in his arms. Each action, each noise he made caused you to flinch back. His eyes narrowed as he gripped your jaw and pulled your face up to meet his dark gaze again. "You've been very bad you know... Waiting for that pathetic Tim character to rescue you from me. He can't save you if you never needed saving in the first place princess. I'm here to protect you, He can't do what I can. That's why you only need me." The possessiveness in his tone is what caused you to do something crazy.

If you didn't stop him now he'd do something that would ruin you. No more being the underdog. Your grip on his jacket had tightened as you nodded. His eyebrow raised as you walked him back to your bed and carefully laid on him as he smirked. "Now, that's better." You rested your head on his chest as he placed both arms around you. You looked up at him but just past his head was a mess of blankets. Blankets that you could use as a distraction. Your eyes flickered then to the window he had left open as usual. This was it. If it was as good a time as any to spring now was that time. You could call the cops once you were far enough.

You tenderly ran your fingers through his hair as he leaned his head into your touch like a cat would and, like a cat; he was very unpredictable. You watched as his grip on you lessened while he unwound himself at your gentle touching. It was pleasing to see him so vulnerable to his own desires. You moved up higher on him and smiled a little as his eyes closed as he mumbled incoherently to himself. You quickly let one of your hands slip away as the other softly pushed his hair back. His eyes slowly opened as you let a shaky breath rack your body. You leaned down and hovered above the lips of his mask.

It was now or never.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now