Chapter Ten

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You held your breath as your heart began banging like an African ceremonial drum. Your eyes squeezed shut as you sucked back the tears that threatened to fall. "I saw you're pretty little face answer that door for the other guy... Open up for little ol' me~" His voice rattled in your skull and made your body quake. It was sickeningly sweet. The grisly feeling that began building in your gut made you feel like vomiting.

He continued his taunts all the while his hand scratched the paint outside of your house; the crunching of snow beneath heavy boots showed he was soon approaching the door. You could only sit and watch as you covered your mouth to not alert him to your presence in the living room. You shut off the tv and slowly dropped to the floor as you scrambled up the stairs army style to the bedroom for shelter.

You couldn't hear him; that was a problem. You froze in your tracks when you hear the door handle jittering frantically. The constant click of the restrained lock made you make a dash to the attic. You winced as you heard the loud banging on the front door then the running started. You hurriedly shut and locked the door and ran up the attic stairs and dove behind some boxes for a while.

Your breathing hitching as tears trickled down your face. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, you even wanted to try fighting back; you were too afraid though. Your body wouldn't move even if you wanted it to. You sat in a paralyzed state behind the boxes. Your breathing all but stopped as you heard the crash of broken glass hit the floor and continue its song of rain as it slammed onto the floor.

You could hear him talking; you couldn't understand but you knew he was saying something in his sickeningly sweet tone. He was slowly walking around and opening up doors and looking in closets, under beds, and everywhere else he could try. He was calling your name... Wait, "how the hell does he know my-" your thoughts were once again interrupted as you heard the footsteps draw closer.

You pressed and flattened your body against the floor of the attic and behind the boxes in the corner as your eyes sewed themselves shut. He tried the door.
"I know you're somewhere~" His voice called from behind the door with obvious anger lacing each word in the candy sweet tone he used. Your body was frozen in fear as he tried opening the door again, and again, each click of the lock made a low growl slide under your only saving grace.

He soon stopped trying and walked back down the halls to check them while you felt a puddle of tears soak your shirt where you lay almost motionless. He wasn't going to leave until he found you and if he didn't he'd just come back later in the night.
At this point, anything would be better than having to stare that monster in the pale-faced mask he wore. Your whole body stopped functioning as you heard him yell angrily.

Your heart started racing and you feared it would be loud enough for him to hear; you feared your tears would drip from the cracks in the floor and he'd hear it. You were so afraid you almost didn't realize you were quietly hyperventilating. You had to stop a scream from giving you away as he slammed doors shut and threw some open. It made your body quake with each step as he started racing around, anything in his way ended up falling. You gripped ahold of your sleeves as the light of day soon began to fade.

You would be engulfed by darkness and be stuck to your own devices as a prisoner to your own home. Ironic isn't it? You sat up and craned your neck around to find any solid escape route only to find your searching to be in vain. The only way out was a window or the door. There was no in between. Hide, fight, flee, or die.
You didn't like any of these options but you knew you soon wouldn't have a choice if you hesitated enough.

You watched as the dark soon overtook you and you could no longer hear him downstairs. You heard the window shut and the crunching of heavy footfalls fade away. You crawled out of your hiding spot and scampered to the windows; you locked all of them, you locked all the doors, the only way in was a key.
You stared at the window as he stood on the other side. The cold air that whipped and curved out of his nose was almost hypnotic.

He put his hand on the window and you dare not move. He wrote a small note and turned back away before disappearing into the woods after a loud sicking pop sounded from his titled neck when he tipped it to the side in an intimidatingly creepy way. Your eyes stayed glued to the window as you began to question again how safe you truly were.

"You can't hide forever."

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