Chapter Eighteen

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Tim observed you quietly as the two of you walked around in a peaceful silence. His mind at ease while yours, was racing at a quick pace. You gazed out into the night almost in a daze; your feet propelling you through the snow as you took him along. You would, of course, sniffle from time-to-time, but you never bother to answer Tim when he asked if you were okay. You simply waved your hand in response and kept walking. He frowned at this and soon grew bold and lightly took your hand into his own.

"Really, I know that you don't really well, know me that well but like... Are you okay?" The last sentence was filled with much concern. His eyes were lightly narrowed at you as he held you in place, not to hurt you of course. His eyes softened when you started to cry again. You said nothing; just wrapped your arms around him and cried. He set his empty coffee to the side and wrapped his arms around you. He sighed and listened to your soft and almost hesitant whimpers.

You were terrified Masky would see you and hurt Tim, he seemed like a good enough guy and you were genuinely afraid for him. You, however, said nothing as he stroked your hair in a calming fashion. "What's going on in that pretty little mind?.." His voice was gentle and serene as he lifted your chin with his finger and held it up to face him. You looked at the ground and shook your head; much too afraid to admit that you were being watched by an infamous serial killer.

"I.. I use to do this with my mom, she's well... Not.." You took a deep breath and lowered his hand from your chin with yours gingerly cupping it. "She's in prison... She has been for quite some time and I.. I don't get to do the things I use to enjoy anymore because I did all of them with her." He stared at you for a minute and remained quiet. You took this as silent judgment but the welcoming look on his face never left. "Look, I.. I'm sorry." You stammered before attempting to tug away. He didn't let go but instead pulled you into a tight hug and held you there. His head gently rested on your shoulder as he sighed.

"It's okay short stack.." You nodded and hugged back; your tears occasionally dripping off of your face and into his flannel as the two of you stood still. Eventually, you pulled away and beckoned him to follow.  He did and with a slight hesitation, you lead him back past the woods and your house. He stopped at his front door and smiled a little, wiping the tears that clung to your face away. "Say uh, {Y/N} I was gonna go get a pizza tomorrow and watch some Netflix... You want to join me or will you be too busy?" He winked.

You smiled. "Yeah.. I.. I guess." He nodded. You gave him a final hug and then left your house. It was seven o'clock by the time you were home, some food was still on the table for you. You took your seat and quietly ate alone. Nothing but the sound of your dad snoring and the wind hitting the window for the rest of the night.


You sat in the living room with a plate of food while staring at the television and zoning out. Thoughts seemed to cross your head left and right as your mind slowly began to meld into a chaotic mess. If you left, Masky would be just a figment of a memory, if you stayed you would have Tim to aid you. Maybe if you become better friends; he could know the truth. You could finally tell someone. But until then, you had to wait out the storm and pretend everything was okay like you always had.

But, you digressed.

Yandere! Masky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now