Chapter Fourteen

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Your body seemed hesitant to stir at the sound of the buzzing alarm. Your stomach flipped and curved as you reached over to turn it off. With a pause at the feel of the empty space, your eyes finally shot open and you shut off the alarm; you scanned the room to make sure there was no trace of your masked psycho. After sitting for what seemed like hours you stood on shaky legs and headed over to your closet to change; thankfully he wasn't there but then you looked at your window.

A note lay inside and it was shut tightly. You decided not to worry about it until later as you closed your eyes, hearing the footsteps come upstairs you waited to change. Outside of your door, your father laughed. "Hey there isn't school today, snow storm kinda kicked up so unless you're coming down for coffee you can go back to bed." These words fill you with utmost joy and at the same time dread. You changed into your baggy sweater and some shorts before carrying your hungry body down the stairs and to the wavering scent of pancakes and coffee.

"You look tired." He commented as he lifted the mug to his lips. "Yeah I.. I did some extra homework and stuff you know? Can't stop until I pass and get my diploma." He grinned and nodded. "I was gonna take off for a while you know, get some food or something for dinner. You want to come or keep hustling about?" Your eyes narrowed playfully at the offer. "I'm going with you regardless. You still trying to get me outta your hair or what?" You joked as you sat with some coffee in hand; at its side was a plate of pancakes coated in maple syrup. "You know me, kid."

He grinned and shut his eyes. "Well I'll shower, you take your time and then get ready I won't be too long." You nodded as he left you to your breakfast. He would take about two hours to get ready, after all, it was eight in the morning and you could change and when he finished his shower you could get one and finish your morning ritual. Of course, you joked about it being a ritual but it was always so precise it started to feel like one.

You hummed and sucked down what remained of your drink before it disappeared along with the solid mass of pastry that once sat stoically on the plate before you. You stood now and did a trot to the kitchen sink where you quickly washed the dishes, dried, and put them away. You knew the water would probably scorch your father's skin if you used any more water so you decided to wait on brushing your teeth, that and your toothbrush was in the bathroom too.

With a bit of bustling around through your closet a while later, you managed to find a pair of pants that would make your sweater pop. They were jeans of course but you kinda disliked sweatpants for an abundance of reasons. It was either that or wearing a pair of leggings in the cold winter air, and alas; that was not an option. "Well... Shit." You took another look over at the note that lay motionless on your nightstand where your lamp one sat.

You sighed faintly and hobbled over, carefully looming your hand over the sheet before plucking it up and bringing it to your face. You sat dumbfounded before glancing back and noticing the collar that was hidden under the paper. You gave it a nasty look before returning your gaze back to the note.

"My precious little kitten, since I can't be seen with you and render me being with you all the time something of just dreams, I got you a pretty little collar. If you don't wear it I'll be very disappointed in you. That will resolve in punishment and I don't think you want that... So be a good little pet and do your master a favor?~"


You winced as your eyes registered the word 'punishment' you really didn't want to find out what else he was capable of so you reluctantly picked up the pastel blue collar and read the tag.

'Property of Masky'

You winced and walked to the bathroom, your clothes and collar in hand as you went to take your shower.

Unfortunately, you would have to keep the collar a secret because you had never worn a necklace that looked like something a dog would wear.

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