You're Killing Me, Jimbo!

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The name's Slappy, and I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse.


There Jimmy O'James sat, up on his stool with his ventriloquist dummy perched carefully up on his lap. The stage spotlight grew on the pair, the audience, mostly composed of children, watched them intensely. 

Jimmy nervously looked at the dummy, who was so called 'Slappy'. 

 Slappy looked quite sharp and dapper in his dark grey suit, which brought out the color of his red bowtie and rose boutonniere. Slappy had dark painted hair, with glassy eyes that had a certain look to them, almost as frightening as his painted lips, which were curled up into an evil smirk. 

This was the type of smirk that made Jimmy feel uneasy, the one that warned him that Slappy was up to no good.

 Jimmy's hands felt clammy and sweaty, and he had trouble finding his words. There was no need for Jimmy to work the dummy's levers, because in fact, Slappy wasn't really a dummy at all. Slappy was pure evil, a mind of his own, which is exactly why Jimmy was so afraid.

 Ever since Jimmy found Slappy in a junkyard, he thought it was a sign of opportunity, a way to start a new life. But reading those magic words that brought the dummy to life would be his worst regret ever. He was now Slappy's slave, and when it came to performing with the dummy, you would never predict what Slappy was going to say, or do in that matter...

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