Chasing Love

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Jimmy had just finished up his meal of a bowl of tomato soup as he gently patted the corners of his mouth with a napkin. He placed his bowl in the sink, and sat down in the living room, placing on his glasses and pulling out a newspaper.

He could hear the sounds of flirty-like laughter echoing the house from upstairs, as Slappy teasingly chased Belinda in and out of the bedrooms.

Belinda giggled as she ran down the stairs and hid quietly underneath a table in the library.

Slappy soon followed and entered the room, looking around for her with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Now, now... where has my darling gone?"
He asked mischievously, rubbing his hands together as his eyes wandered around the room.

Belinda covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

Slappy suddenly spotted her, but played dumb. "Well, I suppose nobody's here... " He stated out loud for Belinda to hear, as he pretended to leave the room.

Belinda slowly peered her head out and looked around.

Slappy suddenly teleported on top of the table Belinda was underneath, and looked down at her. "Got ya!" He shouted as he smirked, making grabby hands toward her.

Belinda giggled, quickly trying to get out from under the table to make her escape, but as she crawled out, Slappy accidentally slipped off the table, falling on top of her.

Belinda looked up at Slappy, her cheeks turning red, her heart beating fast.

Slappy was blushing brightly, as he stared into her eyes, he even started to sweat a little.

They both just stared at each other, unable to find their words.

Slappy finally spoke. "U-Uh.. sorry about that...... A-Are you okay?" He asked quietly, as he took her by the hands, helping her up.

She nodded, standing up, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Y-Yes... Are you okay?" She asked shyly, as her eyes met his.

The dummy smiled. "I've never been better..." He whispered, as he firmly placed his hands on her waist.

The female smiled up at him, gently placing her hand on his cheek.

Jimmy suddenly came into the room. "Has anyone seen the remote to the T.V??? I can't find it anywhere!" He exclaimed in frustration as he scratched his head, looking around.

The pair quickly let go of each other, awkwardly looking away, blushing deeply.

"O-Oh... u-ummm..." Belinda said faintly.

Slappy cleared his throat. "U-Uh... try checking your pocket, you usually are forgetful and leave it there..." He said reassuringly as he pointed to Jimmy's pants.

Jimmy reached into his pocket and pulled out the remote. "Ah! There it is! My memory is terrible these days... I'm getting old, ya know..." He chuckled as he nodded to Slappy, and left the room.

Belinda twiddled with the ribbon on her dress.

Slappy smiled a little, stealing a glance at her.

Belinda looked up at him.

The dummy quickly looked away, blushing more.

"I.... uhh... think it's about time we get ready for bed, dear.. it's getting late..." He suggested as he turned to her, looking into her eyes once again.

She nodded and smiled. "You're right..."

Slappy smiled and picked the girl up, holding her close.

Belinda couldn't help but smile back at him, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

The puppet carried the doll up the stairs, ready to head off to bed.

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