Welcome To Horrorland!

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Slappy suddenly grinned with excitement and grabbed Belinda.

"We must leave right away!!" He exclaimed as he hoisted her over his shoulder and began to walk back inside.

"Leave?" Belinda asked, giggling. "Where are we going?"

Slappy walked up to his bedroom and placed her on the bed, then stood in front of her and looked down at her.

"To my home, of course!" He said placing his hands on his hips, not able to get the smile off his face.

"I thought you lived here?" Belinda questioned, tilting her head to the side as she looked at him.

Slappy chuckled and patted her head. "You're right, but did you really think a successful guy like me has been living with a old guy like Jimmy his entire life? Of course not!"

Belinda looked up at him confused.

"Darling, I only stay here in the real world when I wanna mess around with humans and get my revenge, which is exactly why I need Jimmy... But other than that, I have my own place, and believe me, it's nothing like this. It's located in a place really far away, a place where screams come true!" He explained, his eyes glistening.

"Really?" Belinda gasped, gazing at him with wonder and amazement as she bounced up and down on the bed. "Where is it?"

Slappy smirked. "Why don't I show you??"

Before Belinda could say anything more, Slappy suddenly grasped her by her arm and pulled her close, teleporting them both to his home.

There they both stood, in the middle of a wildly huge theme park.

Belinda opened her eyes and looked around, smiling.


Slappy smiled and raised his hands in the air.

"Welcome to Horrorland!!!!" He announced to her, his eyes sparkling with joy.

The park was filled with glorious rides and attractions, as well as many citizens composed of ghouls, horrors, witches, creeps, and monsters galore.

The sky was dark grey and cloudy, giving a creepy yet exciting vibe as bats flew overhead along with a few ghosts.

At the entrance were signs in the shape of arrows which pointed to a handful of different attractions and sections of the massive park. Some were labeled, "Vampire Village", "Haunted Forest", "Ghostly Graveyard", "Panic Park", "Horrortown", and "Fear Street".

Loud squawks of black crows could be heard from ahead, as well as a few bloody screams from all around.

A horror walked past with a popcorn cart, offering green goopy popcorn to the other monsters.

"Want some??" The horror asked Belinda, who turned around and stared up at him.

"Wow!! Hi!" She said with a smile as she waved to him. "Sure, I'd love some!"

The horror chuckled and handed her a box of popcorn, then grinned a toothy, or should I say fanged, grin.

"It's our special recipe!" He said as he pointed to the green slime on top. "Monster blood butter! Gives it lots of flavor, our creeps love it!"

Belinda looked down at the goop and smiled weakly. "Monster blood?"

Slappy suddenly turned around, his eyebrows narrowed. "What's the meaning of this?" He asked, itching to not waste time and to be able to show Belinda around himself.

The horror's yellow eyes suddenly widened, and he quickly fell to his knees, bowing down to Slappy.

"Your majesty! Welcome back! I'm sorry, I hardly recognized you in your human form! It's so nice to have you here!" The horror said.

Slappy grinned and crossed his arms. "Thank you, it's good to be back!"

Belinda looked over at Slappy, nearly choking on her popcorn. "Your majesty..?" She asked, stunned.

Slappy smirked. "Of course, I nearly forgot to tell you! I'm the King of this place, I am the leader of all of the Goosebumps monsters!" He bragged.

Belinda smiled with awe. "You're a King?!"

"Correct, my darling." He said, holding her hand tightly. "And tomorrow night, you will become my queen!"

Belinda's eyes widened, unable to take in everything he just said.

Slappy chuckled and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I know it's a lot to take in, dear. But I've figured it would be best if we get married as soon as possible! Plus, I want you to live here with me for the rest of our lives, if that's okay." He said softly.

Belinda giggled and hugged him, her eyes sparkling. "I'd love that!" She said.

Slappy grinned and patted her head. "Good. We get married first thing tomorrow night!"

Belinda smiled softly and held his hand tightly, and Slappy held her close as he waved goodbye to horror, leading his fiancé down a stone pathway that lead into the haunted woods.

"Where are we going?" Belinda asked, laying her head on his shoulder.

"To my home, of course. I must show my queen our future bedroom and castle." He whispered deeply.

"You live in a castle?!" Belinda gasped with excitement.

"You bet I do! Don't worry, it isn't far. It's located right outside these woods. I like my privacy, so it's best I live somewhere a bit further away from the theme park. I have plenty of slaves, er- I mean friends who work in the castle as well. They will help keep us happy." He said, rubbing her waist.

Belinda smiled and kissed his cheek, hardly able to wait to finally spend the rest of her life with the most loving guy in the world.

"The best part of my life is who I'm gonna spend it with." She said to him, rubbing his shoulder as she giggled softly.

Slappy smiled and kissed her as he picked her up and began to give her a piggy back ride.

"You're right, my dear~" He said as he began to take them to their new home.

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