I Now Pronounce You Husband and Wife

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Once everything was rearranged and back into shape, Madam Doom and the bridesmaids quickly rushed Belinda into the dressing room to help her get ready.

"Oh my Horrorland, I worked so hard on this dress," Madam Doom sighed as she gazed in disappointment at Belinda's torn up wedding gown that was barely much of a gown anymore. "Only for that Mary-Ellen girl to ruin it as well as your wedding day..."

Belinda gently smoothed our the ripped bottom.

"She didn't ruin it, it's only the beginning." She replied with a smile. "It's far more than just a dress and decorations, it's about being able to be with the man I love the most."

Madam Doom grinned and gently pinched Belinda's cheek in a grandma-like way.

"Ah, you're right, my dear. You have such a way with words." She said kindly before gently picking up her crystal ball. "It's time we get you ready!"

Madam Doom carefully placed the crystal ball on a table, grabbing Belinda to peer into it with her as she gently waved her bony hands around the glowing sphere.

Belinda watched the lady and the ball with wonder as a purple mist began to swirl out of the ball and circled around Madam Doom's hands, who then lifted the magic as it swirled in Belinda's direction.

The fog engulfed Belinda into a sea of magenta as the magic began to transform her back into her restored and beautiful wedding gown, making it appear as if it was good as new.

The mist then began to fix up her curls, returning them back to their original state as her hair began clean, shiny, and a soft a newborn's, neatly styled as her skin brightened back into color as it cleaned her up.

There she stood, stunning as ever, her face glowing with happiness.

Madam Doom smirked delightfully as she nodded her head with approval.

"As old as I may be," Madam Doom began to say as she softly handed Belinda her bouquet. "I certainly still have some experience with magic."

Belinda smiled and hugged her tightly, joyful tears ready to form in her eyes.

"Thank you for always being there for me, I cannot repay you enough for everything you've done." She whispered with joy.

Madam Doom chuckled. "My darling, thank me later! It's time to get you to your man!"

"Don't forget your veil!" Kitten called out as she came up to Belinda, nearly pinning the veil into the girl's hair. "My best friend simply can't get married without it!"

"Oh, Kitten!!!" Belinda gasped with the surprise appearance of oldest and longest friend, hugging her gently.

"Go get him!" Kitten exclaimed, gently squeezing Belinda's hands. "You got this!"

The wedding march could be heard from inside main part of the chapel as it began to play on the spooky organs.

"It's time." Madam Doom announced as the bridesmaids and flower girls got in line.

Belinda stood in the back of the line, biting her lip as she felt butterflies begin to form in her stomach, for she felt herself shaking with nerves and excitement all at once.

"May I escort you to my son, young lady?" Stine asked as he approached by Belinda's side as he offered her his arm.

Belinda's eyes lit up as she looked at him.

"Mr. R.L Stine!! It's so nice to meet you!!!" She gasped as she smiled happily up at him. "Thank you for saving me!!!"

Stine laughed and cleared his throat. "I would say the same to you, for saving my son. That was very brave of you, and I know you are perfect for him. There's no one I'd rather have to be my daughter-in-law."

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