Sleep Tight

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Slappy opened the door to his bedroom and closed it behind him, stepping into the room as he carried Belinda. He gently set her onto the bed, and walked over to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna go get ready for bed. You should get dressed as well... Stay here, darling." He demanded as he softly grinned at her, then walked off and disappeared down the hallway.

Belinda sat at the edge of the bed, unsure what to do. As familiar as she was with Slappy, she was still not used to the fact that she'd be sleeping somewhere other than Kristy's home. It was her first time outside the house in awhile, but she liked the fact of being on her own for once. She rather hated being dragged around from place to place and having an "owner". She missed being a normal human girl, like she used to be. With Slappy, she felt like her own person. Besides, he was always so caring and generous toward her, never missing a moment to make her feel special.

She looked around the room, gently running her hand along the red, silk bedsheets of Slappy's bed.

She suddenly stood up, realizing she was still dressed in her day clothes, figuring she should probably change as well.

She nervously fiddled with her hair as she remembered she hadn't brought nor packed anything with her along this unexpected stay.

The female decided to use her powers as a resolution for her problem. She teleported a short, silk nightdress on herself to wear. Satisfied with her comfort, she sat down on a chair and brushed her hair, waiting for Slappy to return.

A few moments later, the man entered the room, all dressed in his pajama pants and shirtless, ready for bed. He suddenly looked at Belinda, and smiled.

"I see you have made yourself quite at home, dearie.. I'm awfully sorry I didn't have any spare clothes prepared for you, but it turns out you already have something to wear."

Belinda turned and looked at him, smiling. "Don't worry about it, you already have been such a wonderful host. I can always just simply use my teleportation powers to supply myself with clothing." She explained to him kindly.

Slappy raised his eyebrows. "You have powers too?? You never told me!" He exclaimed, stunned.

"Well, yes..." She replied shyly.

"I do, too!" Slappy stated, boastfully. "Would you like to see?" He asked, eager to show off.

"Yes, please!" She pleaded with a smile.

Slappy smirked, and turned to the bookshelf next to the window. He used his telekinesis, causing the books to gently fly off the shelves, as they floated and swirled around the room in a green mist.

Belinda's blue eyes sparkled as she watched him in awe. She was quite impressed.

Slappy soon ended his magic trick, teleporting the books back onto the shelves where they belonged, as he took a bow.

Belinda clapped and giggled. "That was remarkable!"

"I know.." Slappy bragged as he crossed his arms and smirked. He then used his powers once more and teleported a bouquet of red roses, giving them as a gift for the girl. "For you, my dear~" He smiled at her, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Awww, how sweet!" Belinda smiled, taking them. She sniffed the beautiful flowers and hugged Slappy tightly. "You are so kind! A true gentleman...." She whispered, blushing.

"I'm glad you like them.." Slappy smirked, kissing her forehead, causing her to blush even more.

Belinda smiled and yawned softly, stretching her arms.

"Tired, darling?" The dummy asked her as he smoothed out her hair.

She nodded sleepily, as she placed the flowers into a vase.

Slappy pulled open the covers on the bed, laying himself down as he crawled underneath them. He smirked as he motioned for Belinda to lie down next to him.

Belinda obediently walked over and got into the bed.

Slappy wrapped the blanket around them, as he pulled the girl close to him. "Goodnight, sweetheart~" He whispered into her ear, as he turned off the light.

Belinda smiled and kissed his neck, then laid her head on his chest. "Goodnight, darling~" She responded quietly as she dozed off to sleep.

Slappy blushed as he watched her, gently running his fingers through her hair, kissing her forehead. "Sleep tight~" He mumbled, wrapping his arms around her waist. He nuzzled his face into her neck, kissing it, as he fell asleep as well.

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