Almost There

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"Faster, Sabre! Before it's too late!" Belinda exclaimed as a rise of panic rushed through her.

Sabre sprinted faster, the homes and attractions of Horrorland rushing past the two as the sound of wedding bells from the chapel could be heard ringing in the distance.


R.L Stine quietly made his way to the back room to meet his son's wife as the wedding guests began to quiet down and sit in their seats.

Once he opened the door, he was met with a bunch of panicking bridesmaids, and one very hysterical bride.

"Belinda", or Mary-Ellen persay, was screaming at the top of her lungs as the bridesmaids desperately tried their best to calm her down.

Stine felt a bit awkward for coming in at such a bad time, and silently motioned his way over to her.

"I DON'T WANT RED ROSES AS MY BOUQUET!!!! I WANT PINK!!!" Mary-Ellen screamed.

Kitten tried to comfort her, feeling a bit scared on how strange her friend was acting.

"But darling, you and Slappy both agreed on red roses! You even told me red was one of your favorite colors just this morning!" Kitten stated to her, barely feeling like she knew this girl anymore.


"But- That's not what you said before!" Kitten cried out anxiously, knowing that Belinda had always considered Slappy to be "the most important person in the world" to her.

But this wasn't really Belinda, it was Mary-Ellen, only nobody actually knew that.

"Now, uh, what seems to be the problem here?" Stine interrupted, clearing his throat.

Mary-Ellen's eyes were burning with rage as she turned hastily towards him.

"What are you doing here?!" She shouted. "GET OUT!"

Stine fell back a little with shock. He knew his son was evil, but he never thought in all his years that Slappy would marry someone this nasty.

"He sure does have a strange taste in women..." The author thought to himself.

"Perhaps I haven't properly introduced myself..." R.L chuckled nervously as he adjusted his glasses and smiled ever so slightly. "I-I'm R.L Stine, Slappy's creator, and it is my duty to walk you down the aisle-"

"I know who you are, I'm not stupid!" Mary-Ellen fumed, but quickly stopped herself remembering that she was still disguised as Belinda, therefore that's who everyone saw her as.

She did not want to blow her cover so she tried her best to act how Belinda would act.

"Right, Belinda hasn't met Papa yet..." Mary-Ellen said to herself thoughtfully.

She then gave a big fake smile and used her best high voice, which was a bit too off key to be imitated as Belinda's.

"Oh, forgive me sir! I apologize for being so rude! My name is Belinda, and I am absolutely deeply in love with Slappy and I just simply cannot wait time kiss him when I can!" She sung out, hoping that would convince him.

Stine raised an eyebrow, and gently fixed up his sweater.

"Wow, this girl is strange.... Is she bipolar or something?" He thought in his mind, feeling puzzled.

Mary-Ellen batted her, or Belinda's eyelashes gently as she twirled the soft light brown hair that didn't exactly belong to her around her fingers, which weren't even hers either.

"Well, uhhh, it's nice to meet you..." Stine replied.

The sound of the wedding march being played on the organs by the blob that ate everything could be heard from outside the room, signaling it was time for them to walk down the aisle.

The bridesmaids quickly scurried into their positions as Tamara, the flower girl, got in front as she clutched her basket of flower petals in her little hands.

Stine looked at "Belinda" and smiled, offering her his arm.

"Shall we?" He asked her, offering for her to join her arm through his.

Mary-Ellen wanted to refuse, but she decided it would be best if she pulled off pretending to Belinda as long as possible.

She looked at him, but gave in and looped her arm through his, firmly holding the bouquet of "the wrong colored roses" in the other hand.

The real Belinda would have loved her red roses, which is why she picked them out in the first place, because they reminded her of Slappy.

"Too bad it's not her bouquet anymore!" Mary-Ellen thought greedily inside her head.

She smirked evilly as the wooden doors opened, the wedding march tune blasting louder from the large organs as she entered the room.

The bridesmaids began to walk down the aisle, her and Stine following.

"Almost there..." She cackled sinisterly to herself, her eyes glowing red.

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