The Defeat

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Without anyone noticing, Mary-Ellen secretly grabbed the spell book from the floor and hid it under her arm.

She then began to slowly get up, pretending she was extremely hurt and weak, crawling over to Slappy.

The audience gasped as they watched in fear.

Slappy glared at her as a fire ball already began to form in his hand, ready to throw it at her.

"Please..." Mary-Ellen cried out pathetically. "I'm sorry... J-Just please, don't hurt me... I give up."

Slappy kept staring at her, but the fire ball disappeared back into his hand.

"Fine..." He replied sternly. "But leave, and do not EVER come back here again."

Mary-Ellen nodded. "F-Fine, I'll go." She said as she turned to "walk away".

Slappy then turned back to Belinda and smiled, but without warning right as he looked away, Mary-Ellen pulled the book out from under her dress, opening it wide as a giant blue swirl of magic began to suck Slappy inside.

"NO!!!!" Belinda cried out as she quickly grabbed onto him, trying to hold onto him to prevent him from going in.

Slappy held on tightly to her hands, the strong force pulling him in as ink began to swirl around him.

Belinda's eyes suddenly glowed bright green as she used her powers to created a forcefield to protect her and Slappy from getting sucked in.

Mary-Ellen's eyes glowed red as her face scrunched up with hate, holding out the shaking book as she tried to defeat them once and for all.

Belinda and Slappy closed their eyes, holding onto each other as tight as they could.

"WHAT MARY-ELLEN WANTS," Mary-Ellen began to shout through the loud howling of the gushing wind that poured into the book. "MARY-ELLEN GETS!!!"

"I don't think so!!!" Another voice shouted from behind her.

"Huh?!" Mary-Ellen shouted as she turned around with confusion to see who was talking to her.

She found herself face to face with Stine, who had recovered barely from his fall, and was holding a book under his arm.

"I put you into this world, and I can take you out!" Stine said as he narrowed his eyes at her, then unexpectedly opened the book, which was no other than Mary-Ellen's book as it began to trap her inside.

"NOOOOOO!!!-" Mary-Ellen began to screech as she got sucked back into the book, Stine quickly shutting it closed as she did.

The spell book Mary-Ellen once held quickly fell to the floor, flopping the cover closed, causing the swirling magic to all stop and release Slappy and Belinda.

Slappy and Belinda fell out of the disappearing forcefield and onto the floor, breathing heavily.

"How to turn tables, now.." Stine whispered to the book, holding it firmly in his hands.

Slappy helped Belinda up, as they both looked at each other happily and hugged, feeling glad that neither of them were hurt.

Belinda kissed Slappy's cheeks before walking over to Stine, staring at the book he was holding that trapped Mary-Ellen into it's pages.

She stared at it, her eyes still glowing from using her powers earlier as she picked it up.

"You are never going to hurt the person I love ever again..." She whispered, her fingers clenching the book tightly. "Or else you will be very sorry..."

Belinda's face then softened as she turned to Stine, handing him the book.

"I think you should keep this somewhere safe." She said quietly. "But thank you, for saving us."

"Yea. Thanks, Papa.." Slappy stated as he smiled at Stine.

"It's my pleasure." Stine replied, as he winked at both of them. "Now, I say we actually get this wedding started!"

Curly suddenly woke up from his black out.

"Did someone say wedding?!" He asked with excitement. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's rock and roll!"

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