Home At Last

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Jimmy's car slowly entered the familiar driveway to his home, the tires softly crunching against the gravel.

He sighed and parked his car, feeling truly exhausted from such a night.

He mumbled something as he grabbed his keys and stepped out into the chilly nighttime air.

Slappy, on the other hand, hopped out of the car cheerfully, whistling a tune as he made his way to Belinda's side of the car.

"Allow me." He stated aloud to her a bit boastfully as he opened the car door for her.

Belinda was astonished. Nobody's ever held a door open for her.

Not ever.

She smiled and stepped out, giving the puppet a small kiss on the cheek in response.

Slappy's eyes lit up.

Jimmy crossed his arms, chuckling at the blushing dummy who was clearly smiling from ear to ear.

"Celebrating, much?" Jimmy asked with a smirk planted on his face. He knew the best way to get to Slappy was to tease him, especially since Jimmy discovered Slappy had a soft spot for Belinda.

Slappy's cheeks turned almost as red as his bow tie.

"N-No....." He muttered as he stuck his hands in his pockets, grumbling past Jimmy sheepishly.

Jimmy shrugged and followed Slappy and Belinda up to the front of the house. He fumbled with the house keys as he unlocked the front door.

Slappy trudged past Jimmy and quickly inside, bringing Belinda along by the hand with him.

Jimmy sighed and walked in, placing his things down and taking off his coat.

"I'm going to go make myself some dinner, I suppose.." He announced to the pair awkwardly as he made his way to the kitchen.

Slappy waited for Jimmy to leave, the suddenly turned to Belinda.

"There's no need for us to eat as well because we are only dolls." He reminded her, softly chuckling. "In the meantime, I guess I will show you my- I mean, OUR bedroom." He added as he winked at her.

Belinda nodded as she followed  him upstairs and down the hall to where his bedroom was located.

Slappy quietly opened the door and turned on the light, revealing a fairly large room that contained a king-sized bed.

Belinda walked into the room slowly, quietly looking around.

"Make yourself comfortable." Slappy suggested politely. He took off his dark gray sports jacket and untied his bow tie so that it hung loosely around his neck.

Belinda made her way to Slappy's dresser, examining it with wonder. She lifted up a picture frame of Slappy with a middle-age man wearing glasses.

"Who is this?" She asked curiously as she pointed to the photo.

Slappy walked over to the female and looked at the picture.

"Oh, that's Papa...." He mumbled as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Who is Papa?" Belinda asked, slightly tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"My father... well, creator actually..." He explained with a chuckle. His smile suddenly disappeared. "But he betrayed me, as so did my Mama!" He said angrily as his eyebrows narrowed and he balled up his fists.

"Let's just say it has been difficult times for me..." He sighed quietly as he turned to the window and looked out at the yard below.

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that..." Belinda replied faintly. She felt horrible for bringing up such a sensitive topic.

"Well, if you ever need someone to turn to, I am always here for you, no matter what..." She said in a soft, reassuring voice as she walked up to him, giving him a hug.

Slappy smiled and hugged her back tightly, pulling her closer to his chest. "As the same for me, for I will always be there for you as well.." He whispered calmly into her ear, gently laying his head against hers.

Belinda buried her face into his shoulder. She felt safe and protected being engulfed in his arms. She's never met anyone so wonderful and understanding.

Slappy held her close as he gradually ran his smooth hand through her soft hair.

Belinda felt herself blushing deeply as she enjoyed the feeling of being secure and close to the puppet.

"I wish this moment could last forever..." She said quietly, but loud enough for Slappy to hear.

"We both know that is impossible.." He reminded her. "But I promise I will try my best to make it happen..." He whispered, gradually rubbing her back.

They both stood there, embraced in each other's arms, holding each other tightly as they rested their heads together, closing their eyes.

Neither one of them wanted to let go.

In every person's life, there will be a day when someone will hug you so tight, that all of your broken pieces will fit back together.

For Slappy and Belinda, that day was today....

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