Just You and I

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Belinda bit her lip, a bit nervous.

Where were they going?

Was he taking her back to Kristy's? Did he not want her anymore and decided they should both move on their separate ways??

She looked up at him with sad, little eyes.

"Are you... making me go back? To Kristy's?" She asked worried.

Slappy's eyes widened and he slammed his foot on the brakes, causing the car to instantly come to a halt.

"Make YOU leave?! Over my dead body!!! I would never have you leave my side!!" He said as he pulled her in for a hug, holding her close.

Belinda sighed with relief and hugged him back tightly, burying her face into his shoulder.

He grinned softly and kissed her head, then started up the car again and kept driving.

But where was he taking her?

"Um, babe?" Belinda asked, gently tugging at Slappy's sleeve. "Where are we even going??"

Slappy just smirked and kept his eyes on the road. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out..."

Belinda felt confused.

"Can you please tell me?" She asked.

"Nope!" Slappy chuckled.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Belinda begged.

"It's a surprise.." Slappy said with a smile.

She sighed, and gave up asking him.

Her thoughts were racing through her mind, toppling over with multiple possibilities.

A surprise?

She wasn't sure what he had planned for her.. But the thought made her excited, and yet a bit nervous.

The trees zooming by, the never ending road...

She just felt... so... tired...

Suddenly before she knew it, she fell asleep in the car, her head rested upon Slappy's shoulder.


Many unknown moments later, they arrived at the mysterious location, and Slappy parked the car.

Belinda stirred awake from the long drive, and yawned, looking around.

"We're here." Slappy announced softly to the sleepy girl as he got out of the car, then walked over to Belinda's side and took her out, picking her up.

Belinda smiled up at him, blushing, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

That's when she saw it, and gasped.

Slappy smiled. "Do you like it?"

She looked around at the breathtaking view.

It was beautiful; a long, golden meadow filled with wildflowers and nothing but blue sky.

No more town, no more houses or buildings, just grass that stretched for eternity.

It occurred to her that wherever they were, they were miles and miles away from home, somewhere beyond anyone's imagination.

It wasn't even nighttime anymore, it looked just like a warm summer day.

Was she dreaming?

No, she couldn't be...

This was real.

Slappy sat down on the grass and patted on the ground next to him, gesturing for Belinda to sit next to him.

She sat down, still awestruck by the outstanding beauty of the sky.

Slappy smiled and looked up at the sky. "Pretty, isn't it?"

Belinda nodded, looking up at the soft, cottontail clouds that gently swayed in the calm, warm breeze.

"I used to come here whenever my life faced difficult moments... It brings me peace. " He explained softly.

Belinda looked up at him, and then laid her head on his shoulder.

Slappy smiled and kissed her forehead, and gently fiddled with a piece of grass.

The Earth was quiet... There was not a single sound to be heard, except the sweet voices of a cool breeze that swept over the fields.

The two sat there, holding hands as they stared up at the sky peacefully.

Belinda smiled, her cheeks glowing almost as pink as the rosebuds peeking out of the view of the field.

The ground was soft, surrounding the pair with ongoing yards of green. It felt like paradise

There was nothing else there, just greenery and endless sky, like they were the only beings on earth.

Slappy smiled as he picked a small flower out of the grass and gently tucked it behind Belinda's ear, causing the girl to blush.

They looked at each other, staring deeply into each other's eyes.

Just like that, they finally understood each other in a way that nobody could.

Belinda rested her head on the sleeping boy's chest, staring up at the sky.

They were there for quite some time, but they didn't really bother going back.

It was really romantic, and they were completely alone, having nothing but time for each other. They spent most of the afternoon talking and telling stories to make each other laugh. They even confessed their darkest secrets that nobody knew.... Or at least most of them.

Belinda looked up at Slappy, who wasn't exactly sleeping, just resting. He was enjoying the sound of the swift breeze against the grassy plains, holding his girl close against him.

Belinda smiled, hugging his arm, and went to close her eyes as well, but suddenly noticed a piece of paper sticking out of Slappy's jacket pocket.

Curious, she gently pulled it out, examining it.

She stared long and hard at the unknown language written on the card, not exactly understanding what it said.

"Baby? What is this?" She asked, gently shaking Slappy as she held out the card.

Slappy opened his eyes and sat up, then noticed the card, and all of a sudden, a big smirk appeared on his face.

"It's just something I need..." He said nonchalantly.

"Oh..." Belinda said, gently mumbling the words written on the card under her breath.

Slappy smirked. "Tell me, baby girl... What do those words say?" He asked.

"Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano....?" She replied, carefully reading the language aloud.

She felt confused.

"What kind of language is that?" She asked.

Slappy smiled and took the card, gently placing it back into his pocket, and leaned backwards against the ground. "Can't remember... An ancient one." He said with a chuckle.

Belinda giggled. "Well, then.."

He suddenly took her hands into his. "Do you know what those words mean?" He asked.

Belinda shook her head.

He looked into her eyes. "Darling... They mean that, 'You and I are one now'..." He said softly.

Belinda looked up at him.

He suddenly sighed.

"There's something I need to tell you..."

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