Night Out

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Slappy stood in his bedroom, buttoning up his white shirt as he tied a brand new tie around the collar of his neck. He then slipped on a black sports jacket to finish up the look of his brand new suit.

The man always appeared handsome in anything, but this suit really brought out his good looks.

He gently combed his dark hair, parting it on the side, and slicking it back with some hair gel. He finished off his look with the buttoning of his cufflinks, and then the pinning of a deep red flower on the lapel of his jacket.

All ready to go, he sat on the edge of his bed, putting on his socks and shoes.

In the bathroom in front of the mirror, sat Belinda, humming to herself as she brushed her hair. She wanted to look as beautiful as possible for Slappy, and she wanted to please him.

After finishing up with her hair, she took off her bathrobe and slipped on her red dress. It was strapless, ending with a sweetheart neckline. As she gently tied the dress up, she gently slipped on her heels.

She then looked in the mirror, feeling nervous, and opened the door to the bathroom, almost nearly bumping into Slappy, who was already waiting outside for her.

"Oh!" She giggled as their noses nearly touched.

Slappy smiles softly and looked at her. "My, my.. Aren't you the most prettiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on!" He said as he smirked, holding her close.

Belinda blushed and looked up at him, running her fingers up his chest and to his bow tie, where she lightly touched it. "Me? Look at you!! You are absolutely beyond handsome! I think you look wonderful!" She complimented him, blushing as her heart pounded against her fair chest.

Slappy chuckled. "I suppose we are good to go, then... Shall we?" He asked, offering his arm to her.

Belinda nodded, looping her arm into his.

The two walked to Jimmy's car. Slappy stopped and opened the door for Belinda, having her sit in the passenger seat as he himself, took the wheel.

"Man! It's been awhile since I've drove a car... Last time was hectic! I was too busy destroying Madison and releasing monsters out of manuscripts to even pay attention to the road that night... Oh, well!" He explained as he carelessly pounded his foot on the gas pedal, causing the car to speed on out of the driveway and down the road.

Belinda held on tightly. "A-Are you sure this is safe?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"Nah!" Slappy smirked, as he drove the automobile full force down different roads, speeding at an accelerating rate as it zoomed past different buildings and locations.

Belinda shivered, feeling unsafe.

Slappy glanced over at her, taking his hand and gently placing it on her knee to comfort her.

"Dear, relax. I have this under control! Ya need to learn to loosen up and enjoy life! Have fun!" He explained, smiling at her.

She nodded and looked around carefully, then smiled. "This is actually... kind of fun!" She said as she giggled.

"That's the spirit!" Slappy exclaimed, patting her knee and then looking back at the road ahead.

Belinda suddenly forgot all about her nerves, and relaxed, having fun.

Within seconds, they arrived at their destined location.

Slappy smiled and slowly pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, parking the car into an empty spot.

"We're here!" He said as he took out the keys, shoving them into his pocket, and stepped out of the car.

"Wow! You're quick when it comes to driving!" Belinda said, looking around, stunned, as she got out of the car as well.

Slappy chuckled and held her hand. "Only the best for you." He whispered in her ear, leading her inside the restaurant.

Belinda giggled and laid her head on his shoulder, but then suddenly stopped as her eyes grew wide.

She spotted someone standing at the front of the restaurant.

Someone she knew well.

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