A Way Out

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Belinda felt as she was falling and falling into nothing but darkness.

Her head spun, her body ached, and she felt as if she was unable to breathe.

She could feel her throat tightening as she  began to feel extremely dizzy.

Just as it began, it soon suddenly all just stopped, as she could feel a shiver of coldness travel down her body.

Belinda felt groggy as she slowly opened her eyes, sitting up slowly before quickly grasping the side of her head as she felt an immediate sharp pain rising from her forehead.

She took a deep breath, hardly baring the pain, and once more opened her eyes to figure out what was going on.

Once her blurry eyesight adjusted, she found herself on a damp, cold, forest floor in what seemed like the middle of nowhere.

Her once beautiful wedding dress was torn into nothing but white rags, as she lost her veil, too.

Her curls were loosened, and couldn't even find her shoes.

Once she realized what was happening, she quickly began to worry with fear on what Mary-Ellen would do to Slappy.

Belinda tried to get up fast, but her legs ached as her knees wobbled, barely being able to stand.

She stumbled for a bit and quickly grasped the tree next to her, shaking with fear.

Where was she?! What was going on?!

She suddenly recognized the place, for it was the same woods her and Slappy once walked through together not so long ago.

The one he told her to stay out of because it was so dangerous.

She wanted to cry, but she knew she had to stay strong and find some way to get out of this place, no matter what.

She couldn't let Mary-Ellen hurt Slappy, she would do everything she can to protect him, even if that meant getting hurt.

Belinda finally regained her strength and was able to balance on her feet once again, slowly walking around to scam around the forest.

She tried to find a path, or some sort of way to get out, but she found herself surrounded by nothing but dead trees.

Belinda searched and searched, yet failed unsuccessfully, and soon travelled so deep into the woods that she got even more lost than she was before.

"Oh, this is hopeless!!!" She cried out in frustration as she slumped down on a rock, covering her face with her hands.

It was beginning to get dark, and she knew her, or what used to be her wedding,  would start very soon without her.

Belinda suddenly became deathly still as she heard a small growl come from behind her.

She slowly lifted her hands up from her hands to find herself face to face with a pair of red, glowing eyes only just a few feet ahead.

Belinda could feel herself become paralyzed with fear, remembering what Slappy had told her about how she should never enter the woods alone, unless she wanted to become some type of appetizer for a hungry creature.

She wanted to scream, or at least run, but she felt as she couldn't move.

Before she even had time to react, the creature lunged at her, tackling her to the ground with it's giant, strong paws.

Belinda quickly hovered herself with her arms, shaking with fear.

She suddenly crept an eye open, and gasped with relief when she recognized the big giant snout of a familiar friend.

The horrific beast was no horrific beast after all, but was instead realized to be Sabre.

"Sabre?! Where did you come from?!" She giggled as she rubbed the werewolf behind his ears as Sabre licked her face with delight. "You frightened me!"

Sabre wagged his tail as Belinda hugged him tightly, burying her face into his warm fur, feeling comforted that she was now accompanied by her furry friend.

The werewolf sat down and looked at her, cocking it's head to the side.

"Oh my goodness, you will not believe what happened! I'm completely lost, and I'm supposed to be getting married to Slappy, but I have no idea where I am!" She explained to him, her eyes growing with worry.

Before she could say any more, Sabre immediately snatched her up and tossed her onto his back, and began to run as fast as he could through the woods.

"Yes! Good boy!!" Belinda said with a feeling of hope rushing through her.

She held on tightly as the wind and trees rushed past her as she rode the werewolf out of the woods.

Sabre kept sprinting at an extremely quick pace until they finally escaped the thick forest where the town returned back into view.

The werewolf sprung throughout the Horrorland town, swiftly carrying Belinda throughout the park in order to get where the chapel was located.

He ran as fast as he could, knowing that the chapel was all away across the park, he was hoping he would be able to even get her there in time before it was too late.

Belinda clung onto him tightly, the wind breezing through her loose light brown curls as she stared at the path ahead with determination.

"I gotta stop this wedding..." Belinda whispered to herself, her words engraved with bravery. "I just have to!"

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