The Worst Is Yet To Come

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Belinda gasped, turning around with shock. Unfortunately, her shoe got caught under the window frame, and she ended up tripping and falling off the window sill, landing onto the bedroom floor.

"Ow.." She mumbled, rubbing her head, then looked up to see whoever was there.

But she saw no one.

"Strange..." Belinda whispered to herself, getting up as she dusted off her dress.

She looked around the room. She could've sworn she heard someone.

"Yoo-Who!" The annoying tone called out again. "Jeez! I've seen monkey's more aware than you!" It said, snickering.

Belinda, feeling a bit insulted and confused, kept looking around, trying to trace where the voice was coming.

That's when she spotted the doll from earlier.

The doll sat up, and crossed her arms,
her face twisted into a devilish smirk.

Belinda felt a bit startled looking at the doll's unwelcoming smile.

The doll got up from her chair, hopping off, as she walked towards Belinda's direction.

She circled Belinda slowly, observing her.

"Ah, so you're the one who's been missing for so long..." She pointed out, a bit obnoxiously.

Belinda didn't say anything. She just kept standing there, shaking.

"I... I have to leave, if you please.." Belinda suddenly said quickly and a bit nervous, spinning around on her heels as she ran back up to the window.

"I don't think so~" The doll said, suddenly grasping Belinda's arm tightly. "You're not going anywhere, not under my watch.."

Belinda struggled to get free. "P-Please, I cant stay!! I have to leave now!"

The doll didn't listen, and dragged Belinda back to the table, shoving her back into the white chair she once sat in.

Belinda stuttered with her words. She knew she had to leave before Kristy got back.

The mysterious doll picked up the sock monkey in the chair next to Belinda and tossed it over her shoulder, making room for herself to sit down.

"The name's Mary-Ellen... As you SHOULD know..." She stated snobbishly.

Belinda nodded rapidly. "That's nice, well, it was nice meeting you, but I must be heading on my way-" She explained quickly as she got up to leave.

Mary-Ellen's eyes beaded dangerously.

"SIT DOWN, NOW!" She demanded loudly.

A bit disturbed by the sudden shouting, Belinda quickly sat back down.

"Kristy got me to be your 'replacement'... If you leave again, then I'm stuck here... And that would ruin my plan... You don't wanna ruin my plans, now do you?" Mary-Ellen explained, picking up a plastic teacup from the wooden table and started to "sip" out of it.

Confused, Belinda looked down at her own teacup, which was empty. She then reached over and took Mary-Ellen's cup out of her hand and peered into it, which was empty as well.

"What does she think she's drinking?" Belinda wondered to herself. "This has nothing insi-"

"AHEM." Mary-Ellen shouted, grabbing the cup out of Belinda's hand. "Do you mind?"

Belinda slumped into her chair sheepishly. "Sorry.." She muttered.

Mary-Ellen went back to "drinking" from the empty cup, then threw it at the teddy bear across from her, and burped loudly.

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