Home Sweet Home

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After getting into the old elevator shaft, within a few minutes, they finally reached the highest floor where Slappy's room was located.

The elevator doors creaked open shakily as Slappy stepped out, bringing Belinda with him.

"See you tonight, your majesty." Miriam called out before the doors closed and the elevator descended back down to the lobby.

"Tonight?" Belinda questioned. "What's tonight?"

Slappy patted her back. "I'm hosting a dinner party, tonight.. Every monster will be there. I have to introduce you to all of them and make wedding plans."

Belinda nodded as they walked down the empty hallway.

Slappy practically had the entire floor to himself, since he was king, after all.

The deserted hall was filled with portraits of many different monsters that were all frightening to the eye. Although they were only paintings, Belinda could feel as if they were watching her in some way.

Once they reached the end of the hall, they were presented by giant, black double doors.

At the front of the door, sat two pumpkins. One of them looked a bit on the frightening side, whereas the other looked rather goofy.

"Hey! What are you doing trespassing the king's property?! I'm supposed to guard this door for eternity!!! So get lost!" The scary pumpkin rasped at Belinda in a low tone.

Slappy soon appeared behind Belinda and gave the pumpkin a small, but forceful kick.

"Shut up, she's with me.. She isn't trespassing." He growled down at the pumpkin.

"Oh, sorry your majesty.. My mistake, just doing my job.." The pumpkin huffed.

"Sorry about him... He isn't the most polite pumpkin in the patch... His duty is to guard my room and make sure nobody enters without my permission." Slappy explained to Belinda.

"Hi! I'm Terry, and I'm round!" The other, yet goofy pumpkin chirped out.

Belinda giggled and patted the pumpkin's head.

Slappy kissed Belinda's cheek and swiftly pulled out the key from his lapel pocket and unlocked the door, holding it open for the girl.

Belinda stepped inside, looking around in awe.

Slappy's bedroom was huge, almost half the size of Jimmy's house.

The suite was decked out in a deep red wallpaper, and was filled with many, huge dark windows that wore red, satin curtains. The wooden floor had a huge, velvet rug that sprawled out in between the fireplace and the bed. There were candles all around, filling the room with a pumpkin spice scent. There was a beautiful, crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling, giving the room a creepy warm glow. In the middle of the room against a wall, was an oversized canopy bed. It was massive, composed with cherry-colored silk sheets and a handful of scarlet-colored satin pillows. Multiple deep-red roses were placed in vases in many locations of the room, with the accompaniment of a few rose petals scattered on the bedsheets. A stone fireplace sat in front of the bed, however, it wasn't hosting a normal fire. In fact, the fire was neon green, and it looked strangely majestic and bright. Above the fireplace, hung a giant portrait of Slappy, himself.

The room was obviously enormous. There was a large vanity mirror Slappy had prepared for Belinda that was sitting by a door. Another door in the corner of the room lead to the bathroom. There was a small kitchen in the opposite corner of the bathroom, with an elegant and graceful dining area. There were multiple shelves that hung on the walls, all filled with old, dusty spell books and manuscripts that were covered in spider webs. Lastly, there were a few cedar dressers and two closets filled with clothes for the two of them.

"Do you like it?" Slappy asked her, smiling with glee. He was happy to finally be back in his original room.

"It's beautiful~" Belinda whispered dreamily. "You have an amazing home!"

"It's your home too, now~" Slappy said with a smile, sealing her lips with a kiss.

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