An Unsteady Feeling

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Jimmy stepped into the familiar building that he attended every Saturday for his daily job.

He smiled and nodded to the owner at the desk, and carried on his way into the auditorium.

It was precisely 1:00 pm; families would be arriving at approximately 1:15.

The usual schedule.

Using his spare time, he started to set up the stage at a steady pace.

He drew back the curtains and placed a wooden stool in the middle of the stage for him to sit down on.

Once he was finishing up last touches, he set down the thick, leather case that contained the puppet and the doll on the ground, unbuckling the latches and opening the lid.

Belinda slowly peered her head out, which was followed by Slappy's as well.

Jimmy chuckled. "It's quite alright, the coast is clear... You two can head on outta there, now."

Slappy took no hesitation and scrambled out, then lifted Belinda out of the case to help her be free.

Belinda stepped steadily onto the stage and looked out at the empty auditorium.

Jimmy suddenly noticed the hickey on Belinda's neck.

He looked over at Slappy, who just smirked devilishly and shrugged.

"Your suit is wrinkled..." Jimmy mumbled to the puppet, walking away for a second to store the empty case backstage.

Slappy fussed while trying to fix up his suit jacket, in which Belinda soon walked over quietly to help, gently adjusting and smoothing out the creases.

Slappy grinned in approval and thanked the girl with a kiss on the forehead, then climbed up onto the wooden stool and sat down on it, positioning himself for the show.

Jimmy soon approached them and cleared his throat, looking at Belinda.

"If you'd like, you can hang out backstage. When Slappy and I finish up the act, you can get a jumpstart and head downstairs to his dressing room. We will meet you there after." Jimmy explained to her.

The little doll nodded in response, then headed backstage and hid behind the curtain to wait.

Slappy smiled softly, waving goodbye to her, then suddenly looked at Jimmy with serious look on his face.

Yet, a hint of worry flashed in his dark eyes.

"Are you sure she'll be safe?? I hate leaving her side..." He warned as he crossed his arms.

Jimmy nodded. "Yea, yea... She'll be fine." He responded carelessly as he waved the dummy off.

Slappy rubbed the back of his neck, a bit worried.

"I hope so..."

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