Could This Be Love?

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Six-year-old Kristy sat impatiently on the edge of her seat, watching Slappy insult the set of twins on stage intensely. Her parents both shared a worried complexion on their faces.

Sitting in Kristy's lap, was her beloved doll, Belinda. 

She was quite beautiful for a doll, with a nice hourglass-shaped body.

Belinda wore a light blue dress that matched her eyes. Her soft, light brown hair was pulled back into a bright red ribbon, which complimented the sight of her tinted rosy cheeks. Kristy had many dolls, but Belinda had became her favorite.

Belinda fixed her sparkling eyes on Slappy.

Yes, he has humiliated people and his jokes were rather cruel, but Belinda found herself to really like him. She very much enjoyed Slappy's sense of humor, whether it was in a hurtful way or not, and she always looked forward into watching him perform.

Belinda smiled to herself as she watched the puppet. She has never quite seen anyone so attractive before.

As the twins rushed off the stage with embarrassment, Jimmy knew enough was enough, and it was about time that he ended the show before Slappy would cause more trouble.

The puppet smiled to himself, feeling satisfied of a job well done, when his eyes suddenly fell on Belinda.

Both of their eyes locked in place, and Slappy found himself to be staring at her.

"W-Woa..." Slappy muttered quietly under his breath. He could not not help but notice how beautiful she was. He thought she was absolutely gorgeous, as he suddenly found himself to short of breath.

Belinda stared back at him, her eyes glimmering with hope as she admired how dreamy and handsome he was.

The sound of Jimmy's voice suddenly broke their trance.

"Well, umm.. I guess that is all for today, folks! I am glad you all came! Say 'goodbye' to the audience, Slappy.." Jimmy warned.

"Goodbye to the audience, Slappy!" The dummy said jokingly with a little chuckle.

A few laughs came from the audience as they clapped politely for the two as Jimmy took a bow, but Slappy found himself to be searching for Belinda again, only to see that she was gone....

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