Wedding Plans

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The next morning the couple were awoken with a blissful sunrise that sunk behind the black dead trees that scattered throughout Horrorland property.

The sky with downed with beautiful shades of pinks and oranges, tinted with a slight bit of pale yellow. It looked absolutely astonishing. Yet, it surprised most of the Horrorland monsters that Horrorland could ever consist of such a pretty sight other than dampened skies and thunderous storms.

But today wasn't like any other day in their frightful universe, it was special. The day their leader, or dictator per day, would be wedded to the love of his life.

Slappy made the whole situation a big deal, making sure the wedding was being processed and planned accordingly the minute he arrived back at what he considered, home. For the past few days the creatures and creeps scurried about, getting work done to make the day exactly how their master wanted it.

The wedding wouldn't be held until exactly midnight, a creeperific hour where all ghouls and boils could arrive without having to worry about the sunlight.

It's a vampire thing.

Although Horrorland isn't exactly a holy nor safe place, it did consist of an old stone chapel that stood boldly and large at the top of a hill right outside of Fear Street.

It was a dead area, literally. Everytime some evil sorcery went on and mixed in the exchanges of death, the welcoming of the new phantom and/or critter would be greeted in the chapel itself. It was a wonderful way of accepting a poltergeist or undead into the theme park as an official member. It was practically a reversed funeral.

The chapel was old with age, it's stone walls grinning in black. Although cobwebs often covered every corner of the chapel, today it would be swept away and replaced with dark red roses and candles, representing the creepy yet romantic theme Slappy wanted.

Most of the horrors that worked at the park spent the entire night decorating all of Horrorland for the big day, hanging up crimson lanterns and rose garlands all over the streets and locations.

The streets were covered in rose petals, skulls, pumpkins, and spiders. Even the lampposts were decked out in glowing red lights.

It looked like Valentine's Day and Halloween all in one.

As the tip of the suns rays reached it's way through the deep red curtains of Slappy's, and soon-to-be Belinda's, bedroom, the man's eyes immediately fluttered awake.

He was barely able to contain his excitement the entire night, his mind racing with the wedding vows he's been practicing to himself in the mirror whenever he had the chance.

Now the day was finally here, and he was more ready than he will ever be.

He stretched his arms as he let out an exaggerated yawn, rubbing his messy hair as he glanced down at the sleeping woman next to him.

She looked so peaceful, barely making even a sound as she dreamed on and about.

Slappy smiled and pulled her close to him, snuggling her warmly as he nuzzled into her neck.

Belinda soon awoken with a soft giggle as she hugged his harm, fixing her blue eyes up at him.

Slappy gazed down at her; he was beaming with pride.

"Good morning, my love... The day has finally arrived." He whispered into her ear.

Belinda smiled and kissed his cheek. "Good morning.." She yawned softly as she sat up a little as Slappy held her in his arms.

She looked outside to wonder what time it was, the sun had only started to rise yet the streets were busier than a bees nest.

Slappy blinked and answered her question before she could open her mouth.

"I know it's early, but we have big plans and a lot of work to get done in order for tonight. I've already had the horrors and creeps working on decorating and keeping the place in shape since last night, so while they are getting that done I have to go down to  'The Witch's Cauldron' to put the chefs to work on our wedding cake." He said in a matter-of-factly.

Belinda's eyes lit up. "Wedding cake? What type of cake?" She asked, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Any flavor you want, I was thinking we should go with..." He began to say.

"Red velvet!" They both said at the excited same time, giggling in unison.

"Ah, you know me too well!" Slappy said with a chuckle as he tickled her gently.

Belinda giggled as she kissed his forehead gently.

"It's going to be a massively large cake too, and maybe I can get the chefs to throw in a bit of monster blood filling between each layer as well! It will be at least 10 feet tall." He stated.

"Oh, and with cream cheese frosting!" He added as he snapped his fingers.

"That's one big cake.." Belinda admired, her eyes going wide.

"Of course, we have to feed over 500 guests... Plus the abominable snowman always ends up eating half of the thing... But I promise we will both get the first slice." He said as he winked at her.

Belinda smiled and wrapped her arms around him, looking into his eyes with admiration.

Slappy looked down at her passionately, and then suddenly snapped his fingers and got up and out of bed quickly.

"The wedding!!! It's tonight!! We have so much work to do!! It must get done!" He stated quickly as he paced quickly around the room, yanking open a bunch of dresser drawers, desperately searching for some clothes.

Belinda got out of bed quickly, bouncing anxiously on her heels.

Slappy ripped his pajama pants off and ran frantically to the other side of the room, opening the closet door to retrieve one of his cloned suits.

He then teleported it on and quickly glanced into the mirror to fix up his hair, then sprung back to the closet and randomly pulled out a dress for Belinda and tossed it to her.

She caught it and teleported it on, then took a hair brush and sat on the edge of their bed as she lightly combed her locks.

Slappy made his way back over to her and hoisted her up without warning and carried her as he quickly walked out the door, slamming it quickly behind him as he made his way down the staircase.

Belinda, who hung from his arms and was rather confused, opened her mouth to question what plans he had.

"I have to get you to your seamstress as soon as possible, you will be spending most of the day there..." Slappy explained as he made his way out of the haunted castle and towards to Horrorland village. "Madam Doom is Horrorland's best designers, and she will be sizing you up and mending you a wedding dress for tonight. I want the dress to be perfect, so it's going to take a rather long time."

Belinda thought for a moment, smiled, but then glanced up at him.

"Will you be able to stay there with me?" She asked, feeling nervous about being by herself with a stranger for the entire day.

Slappy kissed her forehead in apology.

"I'm sorry, dolly. I have to get to the tailor to get my suit, as well as make sure everything and everyone is doing their job." He explained solemnly with a sigh. "I'm afraid I won't be able to see you until you walk down the aisle, but I can't wait until then to see you looking more beautiful than ever." He added with a cheerful smile plastered on his face.

"But... I'm nervous." Belinda whispered unsteadily to him.

Slappy set her down and hugged her tightly. "I promise it'll only be for a little while... Then, after tonight, we will be able to spend the rest of our lives together." He said with a grin.

Belinda smiled and hugged him back.

"You're right." She stated in agreement.

Slappy crosses his arms and chuckled. "Have I ever been wrong? Anyways, we are here." He added as he gestured towards the large tent in front of them.

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