That One Touch

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Belinda held her head high and slowly walked forward and up to the alter to be able to be face to face with Mary-Ellen.

Mary-Ellen could feel herself burning with anger, now that her plans have officially been interrupted.

The entire audience gasped and stared in shock at the two identical "Belindas" with confusion and concern.

Slappy stared at the real Belinda with disbelief, his eyes growing wide, trying to figure out what was going on.

Curly felt overwhelmed and ended up fainting.

Mary-Ellen stared at her with outrage and disbelief.

"H-How are y-you here?!!! You're supposed to be DEAD!!!!!" She screamed with frustration.

The audience's eyes widened with fear and concern from what they just heard.

"Well, one thing you should know about me is," Belinda began to say as she walked up to the isle, then stopped in front of Mary-Ellen to look her directly in the eye. "That I always come back, and believe me, this is far from the end."

"GET OUT!!" Mary-Ellen screeched, her face twisted in envy. "YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING!!!!"

Stine stood up from his chair.

"What is going on here?!" Slappy demanded.

"This is not Belinda!" Belinda stated with courage as she pointed at Mary-Ellen, then turned to the audience. "I'm Belinda."

The audience frantically began to all speak at once in confusion.

Slappy's eyes softened as he looked at Belinda. "What...?"

Mary-Ellen's eyes darted around the room in panic, and she threw her bouquet on the floor in rage.

"DON'T LISTEN TO HER!!!" She screamed, causing the voices to grow silent once more. "SHE IS LYING!!! SHE IS MAKING IT ALL UP!!! I'M BELINDA!!!!"

"It isn't true!" Belinda said quickly as she looked around at everyone, her eyes pleading for somebody to believe her. She suddenly turned to Slappy. "She's trying to trick you!! I won't let her-"

"SECURITY!!!! SEIZE THIS GIRL!!!!" Mary-Ellen shouted as she interrupted Belinda before she could finish. "SHE IS AN IMPOSTER!!! SHE HAS GONE MAD!! WITCHCRAFT, I TELL YOU!!!"

Suddenly one of the security horrors from the sides walked over and grasped Belinda by both of her arms.

"No!! Please!! You must believe me!!!" Belinda cried out, struggling to break free from their grasps.

She looked at Slappy with tears in her eyes.

"Please... It's me, I'm telling you! She's going to hurt you!!! I can't let her! I love you!!" She called out pleadingly between sobs as the horrors began to drag her away. "I'll prove it to you!!"

"C'mon, stop fussing and move along!!!" The horror growled as his grasp tightened around her, escorting her out of the chapel.

"Wait!!!" Slappy quickly shouted out to the two horrors, who in response turned their heads to look at him. "Let her speak, first."

The horrors grumbled and let Belinda go, who fell to her knees and looked up at Slappy.

"Please.... It's me, please believe me!" She said softly, choking on her tears. "She sent me away, and transformed herself to look like me to make you believe you are marrying me when instead you're marrying her!!! She's dangerous, and she's going to do something bad to you, she is trying to get her revenge!!! I can't let her do this!!"

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