You And I Are One Now

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Belinda looked at him, a bit worried and confused at the same time.

"Baby, what is it??" She asked.

Slappy slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm not the guy you think I am..." He suddenly said in a low whisper.

Belinda just blinked at him with disbelief.

She then rapidly shook her head.

"No, no... I know you... You know me..." She said quietly.

Now that he was acting so hesitant, she wasn't so sure anymore.

Slappy held her hand tightly. "Whatever I am about to tell you, you must promise you won't run away." He warned. "Just... Just listen..."

Belinda nodded and held his hand. "I promise, I want to know... And whatever you're about to say, I promise it will not change things between us..." She said reassuringly to him, looking into his eyes.

Slappy felt doubtful.

He suddenly spoke again, but softly.

"I... I'm not the nice guy you think I am...." He began to explain. "I'm evil... Or at least I was... But, when I met you, I've changed..."

Belinda bit her lip, not saying anything, and looked at the ground.

Slappy gulped, but continued.

"I used to pull off some pretty mean pranks... It was funny... I'd make people my slaves when they brought me to life, which is exactly what that card is for." He said as he pointed to the paper Belinda was holding. "The magic words make them my slaves..." He added, feeling ashamed. "You're such a good girl, and I don't want to be a bad influence on you, but I also don't want to keep this secret from you either..."

Belinda looked at him again.

This was it.

He knew he was going to lose her forever.

But unexpectedly, she suddenly hugged him tightly.

Slappy's eyes widened with shock.

She wasn't angry??

Belinda looked up at him and gently placed her hand on the side of his face. "Did you really think something like that would change my feelings for you?"

Slappy just stared at her, blinking his eyes.

She.... accepted him... for he he truly was.

He suddenly smiled and hugged her tight.

Belinda kissed his neck softly, then looked up at him.

"I have to confess something as well..." She whispered, a bit fearful.

"Sure, you can tell me anything." He said rubbing her back gradually.

"I-I.... I used to be evil too..." She said quietly, looking at the ground.

Slappy felt shocked, but also a bit relieved.

He smirked. "And did you really think that would change my feelings for you as well?"

Belinda looked up at him suddenly, smiling, and they both kissed.

Slappy suddenly pulled out a pretty wrapped box and handed it to the girl.

"Here, for you.." He said with a smile.

Belinda stared at it, stunned.

Nobody's ever gotten her a gift before!!

"What are you waiting for?" He asked, tickling her. "Open it!"

She giggled. "Okay, okay! I will." She smiled and unwrapped it, then opened the box.

Inside was a beautiful golden heart locket.

Belinda looked at it, blinking. It was absolutely beautiful!!!

"Awww!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!" She exclaimed with excitement as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him a bunch of times.

She truly was so thankful and happy.

"You're welcome!" Slappy replied, gently taking the necklace out of Belinda's hand.

The girl held her hair back as he put the necklace on her, clasping it closed.

Slappy held her close. "You and I are one now, remember? I promise I will never leave your side."

Belinda blushed and nodded, hugging his arm. "Of course... You and I are one, forever as my promise."

Slappy chuckled. "Pinky promise?" He asked, holding out his pinky.

Belinda giggled and wrapped her pinky around his. "Pinky promise..."

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