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There Belinda stood, all dolled up in her wedding dress and veil, never feeling more excited in her entire life. Her light brown hair was left down and curled, the shiny curls reaching to her ribs as they bounced gently with each turn she made as she glanced at herself in the mirror, feeling fully blown away by her reflection.

She could hardly recognize herself.

The girl smiled as she twirled gently in the mirror to observe her dress.

She was finally ready to get married to the man of her dreams, and she was dressed the part now, too.

Belinda giggled as she gently adjusted her veil on her head, looking into the mirror with delight.

"Oh, how lovely..." A voice called out lowly and mischievously from behind.

Belinda smiled shyly, tightening the ribboned bow in the back of her dress to make sure it stayed tied.

"Aww, why thank you!" She responded bashfully to the unknown voice.

She suddenly stopped herself and stared ahead into the mirror again, feeling a deep gut feeling of unsureness.

Who was talking to her?

She could feel a chill run down her spine.

Maybe it was Sarabeth? Or Madam Doom? Perhaps Slappy had returned from his errands early, just to check up on her?

Belinda hesitantly turned around slowly, peering over her shoulder to retract where, or who was talking to her.

At first she saw no one, and felt rather confused, but in warningly the figure crept out from behind one of the window curtains.

Belinda watched in fear as the person revealed themselves to be nobody other than Mary-Ellen.

Belinda tried to open her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

Her worst nightmare was standing just a few feet ahead of her.

Mary-Ellen smirked, holding an old, musty spell book under her arm as she slowly walked over to the bride, circling her as her eyes glared at Belinda like daggers.

Mary-Ellen suddenly fake smiled and took a step forward, reaching her hand out to touch Belinda's wedding gown.

"Well, don't you certainly look like a bride to be..." Mary-Ellen stated with a tone of sarcasm in her annoying, high pitched voice.

"W-Why a-are you here?" Belinda demanded, her voice shaking.

Mary-Ellen smiled evilly.

"I just wanted to give the bride-to-be a little wedding gift." She responded in a low growl.

Belinda slowly stepped backwards, feeling uncomfortable.

Mary-Ellen continued to step towards her.

"I guess it's true, Slappy does want to marry you after all, and you only...." She whispered as she snickered. "And marry you, he shall..."

Belinda backed into the wall as she just stared at Mary-Ellen, her eyes filled with fear.

"S-Slappy warned me to s-stay away from you!!" Belinda called out, her voice expressing the feelings of fear.

Mary-Ellen ignored her statement.

"If he wants to marry you, then," Mary-Ellen chuckled sinisterly. "I suppose that's what we have to give him."

Belinda looked at Mary-Ellen feeling puzzled, but yet she knew that what was about to come next was definitely no good.

Mary-Ellen then pulled out the spell book from under her arm, opening up as her eyes glowed with demonic delight.

In a split second, Belinda quickly sprung to the door to try and run away, but Mary-Ellen, learning her lesson from the last time she tried to hold Belinda in captivity, immediately used a spell from the spell book to lock all the doors and windows to prevent Belinda escaping her grasp once again.

Belinda pulled and pulled, trying to open
the door with all her might, but it was no use.

Mary-Ellen half-heartedly smiled, walking up to the girl with excitement.

"Aw, such a shame! I guess there's no escape for you, now." Mary-Ellen rasped to her.

Belinda quickly turned around to face Mary-Ellen, only except Mary-Ellen was no longer there.

She found herself face to face with no other than her own self.

There Mary-Ellen stood, using the powers from the spell book to transform into a complete clone of Belinda; light brown hair, blue eyes, wedding dress and all.

"What have you done?!" Belinda cried out to Mary-Ellen, who was know fully disguised as Belinda.

They looked practically identical.

"Seeing what it's gonna be like to be you for awhile," Mary-Ellen laughed. "And boy, do I like it... I'm sure Slappy will like it, too."

"You better change back, now! I mean it!" Belinda warned her, feeling anxious. "He won't be fooled!"

"He will never know... He will be perfectly happy." Mary-Ellen corrected her with a smirk. "When he believes it is really you instead of me he's marrying!"

"Please, don't do this!" Belinda cried out, tears forming in her eyes.

Mary-Ellen grinned. "Oh, my darling... I can do whatever I want."

"But... Do you even love him??" Belinda whispered, tears streaming down her face.

Mary-Ellen rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Love?!" She laughed. "Look where's it's gotten you!!!"

Before Belinda could make another move, Mary-Ellen quickly flipped through the spell book, the pages flying until she abruptly stopped at one of the chapters, her evil smirk growing with greed as she began to read to scriptures aloud.

Belinda tried to grab the book out of Mary-Ellen's hands, but as she was just about to get her fingers around it, a swirl of green mist swept out of the pages and circled her, entrapping her in a foggy, thick cloud of green.

Before Belinda could figure out what was going on, the magic entranced her, teleporting her through a portal into a place far, far away.

A place where Mary-Ellen knew she wouldn't be able to return...

The True Bride of The Living DummyWhere stories live. Discover now