Missing Mission

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"Where is she?!" Slappy shouted in panic as he searched around his dressing room frantically, his wooden jaw quivering with fear.

Jimmy cracked his knuckles nervously, looking around. "I don't understand... It's like she just disappeared into thin air!"

Slappy's eyes filled with green tears. He didn't want Jimmy to see him upset, so he quickly blinked them away, his eye lids making a small clicking sound.

He then turned to Jimmy angrily, his fists balled up.

"You better find her.... I mean it..." He threatened, his eyes burning with violence as he slowly walked towards Jimmy. "Or else Slappy is going to be VERY unhappy..."

"R-Right away, master..." Jimmy gulped and quickly scurried out of the room to go look for the missing girl.

Once Jimmy had left, Slappy collapsed onto a chair, placing his head in his hands.

"How... How could I lose her??? Why??..." He mumbled to himself sadly, rubbing his forehead, his voice shaking.

His heart sank; he truly felt heartbroken without his Belinda.

He was really worried about her. All he wanted was for her to be back in his arms again.

He knew she didn't just leave him, she clearly must had been stolen..

But where did she go??

And who has her now?

He angrily got up and used his telekinesis to throw his wooden chair at the wall, causing it to smash into nothing but a pile of splinters. He could feel himself boiling with anger.

"If ANYONE even dares to hurt her, I will make their lives miserable!!!!" He thought to himself, fire in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Jimmy searched in and out of the building, but found no trace of Belinda. He even asked some of the janitors if they had witnessed anything, but they all shook their heads in reply.

As Jimmy was about to give up, something suddenly caught his eye.

He bent down and pulled his glasses out of his pocket, unfolding them as he placed them on his nose.

He adjusted the frames as he picked up the object, trying to get a close look to see what he had found.

It was Belinda's hair ribbon.

Jimmy gently held the ribbon solemnly, looking around the empty building for at least a sign on what had happened.

He knew she was gone, wherever she had went.

He needed to get her back home safely, or else he would be forced to face with Slappy's punishments.

Jim sighed as he gently placed the ribbon in his pocket, heading back to Slappy's dressing room to tell the puppet the news.

When Jimmy approached the puppet, Slappy could see from the look of his face that something was wrong.

"D-Did you find her??" Slappy asked with hope, his eyes filled with worry.

Jimmy shook his head and slowly pulled out the hair ribbon, handing it to Slappy.

"No...... " Slappy moaned as he carefully took the ribbon from Jimmy, his hands shaking as he held it gingerly.

"I'm sorry, master..." Jim whispered, his voice cracking.

Slappy closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as he held to ribbon close to his chest. "I've lost the love of my life..."

His eyes suddenly flashed and he felt a weird feeling rush inside of him.

"M-Master..??" Jim asked, shaking the puppet. "Are you alright?"

Slappy blinked twice, then quickly looked down at the ribbon.

"I promised myself I wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.." He whispered quietly.

Jimmy kneeled next to the dummy, waiting for a further explanation.

"We need to find her!" Slappy added, a look of determination planted on his face. "I know she's out there somewhere!!"

Without further notice, Slappy turned into his human form and bolted for the door.

Jimmy quickly scrambled to his feet and followed after him to outside.

Slappy was sprinting outside, then grabbed some random kid's bike, stealing it as he hopped on and started to pedal down the street at a quick pace.

"Hey!!!!" The kid shouted after him. "My bike!!!"

Jimmy ran after Slappy as fast as he could.

"Don't worry, Belinda.." Slappy whispered to himself, clutching the ribbon tightly. "We're coming for you.."

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