Lights, Cameras, Slappy!

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Within barely a few minutes, families from all over town started pouring into the once-empty auditorium, filling up the seats.

It sure was packed today.

Once everyone had settled down, Jimmy took his microphone and stepped up front to the stage to greet them.

Slappy, however, just laid "lifeless" on the stool.

After his small introduction, Jimmy then headed back to the end of the stage, picking up Slappy and sitting down on his stool, perching the dummy upright on his lap.

Slappy then responsively snapped 'awake' and looked at the audience with an evil smirk.

Jimmy sighed, and through gritted teeth, mumbled quietly to the puppet, "Don't mess this up.. Stick with the routine.."

But of course, that rule never applied to Slappy.

The dummy shifted his eyes rapidly around the room.

His eyes flashed with mischief as the temptation to stir up trouble danced throughout his mind.

"Hey, Jimbo! Guess what?" Slappy rasped at the man.

"What is it?" Jimmy asked, gulping down a nervous lump in his throat.

This couldn't be good.

Slappy grinned. "I wrote a poem about ya, buddy boy!"

Jimmy looked down at the wooden boy, a wave of confusion smacking him in the face.

"You.... You did?"

"Yep!" Slappy chirped.

"Wow, with your hollow head, I didn't think you even knew your abc's, nonetheless know how to write a poem!" Jimmy gasped sarcastically, chuckling.

The audience bursted out with laughter.

Slappy's eyebrows narrowed violently, his eyes glowing dangerously red.

Jimmy suddenly grew nervous and regretted the joke.

The puppet's wooden jaw opened, as a demonic voice poured out fierce words.

"Roses are red,
Your blood is too.
You look like a monkey,
And belong in a zoo.
Do not worry,
I'll be there too.
Not in the cage..
But LAUGHING at you!!"

The dummy then tossed his wooden head back and cackled maniacally, his evil voice shaking the entire auditorium.

The audience, blindsided that the puppet was completely doing this on his own, laughed historically with humor as they enjoyed the funny joke.

Jimmy just sat there, embarrassed, but chuckled as if he planned the entire thing.

Slappy's laughter was so powerful and strong, it shook the ground and ceiling, the sound of thunder rumbling throughout the walls.

The audience suddenly grew quiet, the children frightened as they held tightly onto their parents.

Suddenly, a loud popping noice could be heard as glass shattered from the ceiling.

People looked up fearfully as one by one, the lights to the auditorium shattered, filling the room with nothing but darkness.

Slappy's eyes were glowing red, giving off a dim light on the stage.

"Brains aren't everything. In your case they're nothing." Slappy rasped at Jimmy.

Jimmy opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't come up with anything.

Slappy was the king at insults, there was no competition.

Jimmy just rolled his eyes, but on the inside, he was truly scared.

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