The Warning

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"May I help you?" A loud, squawking voice interrupted as Belinda and Slappy were just about to lean in for a smooch.

Belinda jumped a little, startled, and looked over at the waitress standing in front of them. She then slumped into her seat with disappointment since she was looking forward into the kiss her and Slappy were about to share.

Slappy spun his head around and looked at the waitress, feeling frustrated. "Do you mind-?" He asked her.

Rocky looked up from his menu and at the waitress, as so did Kitten.

The waitress chomped away at her bumble gum, taking out a notepad from her apron pocket. She then pulled out a pencil from her thick, honey-colored hair that was pulled up into a messy bun.

"So..?" She asked impatiently, tapping her long, acrylic nails against the granite countertop of their table. "Drinks? Food?" She was waiting for their answer.

Since Slappy has been there many times before with his friends, he already knew what he wanted, boldly handing the lady his menu without a glance. "I would like a simple can of Coke, please." He asked. "And as for my main course, I'll have a open-faced turkey sandwich, please." He said confidently.

The waitress nodded and looked over at Belinda, and adjusted her glasses. "As for you, miss?" She asked dully.

Belinda looked up from her menu.

"I-I.... um.. " She mumbled quietly as she flipped the pages, searching for something, not knowing what to order.

The menu was huge.

The waitress adjusted her glasses and waited for an answer.

Belinda just shrugged. "I'll have strawberry lemonade, please, and a.... a salad?" She didn't know what else to get. She coukdn't even remember the last time she ate real food, since she's practically been a doll for what seemed like forever.

The waitress nodded and scribbled something down on the notepad.

"And you two??" She asked as she looked over at Rocky and Kitten.

Rocky smiled and patted Kitten's hand. "Yes, we will both have coffee with the grilled chicken, please."

The waitress nodded and wrote it down. "I'll be back with drinks in a bit." She told them, then sighed. "I hate my job.." She mumbled, rolling her eyes as she walked off lazily to the kitchen.

Belinda and Kitten started to get caught up with things through a long conversation together, describing and talking about their lives since they last saw each other.

Rocky looked over at Slappy.

"So... How have you been?" He asked, leaning back into his chair.

Slappy nodded "I've been well, thanks slav-" He suddenly stopped himself as he remembered that Rocky was no longer his slave anymore, and even if he still was, he learned his lesson from the last time to not enslave the dude anymore. Plus, Belinda was sitting right next to him, so he thought it'd be best not to stir up trouble.

He cleared his throat and spoke again. "I've been well, thanks." He replied.

Rocky nodded slowly, his eyes wandering around the room. "Anything new?" He asked.

Slappy smirked. "Yea, got myself a girl, incase you didn't notice, and a pretty one too." He explained as he placed his hand on Belinda's knee, who suddenly looked up at him, feeling flattered, and then went back to her conversation with Kitten.

Rocky chuckled. "Yea, I know.... My girlfriend's best friend, too."

Slappy shrugged. "What can I say? It's a small world~"

Rocky nodded and played with a packet of sugar from the table.

"I have to to go the bathroom, is that alright with you, dear?" Belinda asked Slappy.

Slappy smiled, chuckling, "Of course, just don't go disappearing anywhere.." He joked.

Belinda giggled and got up from the table, and Kitten followed.

Rocky waited for the girls to be out of his sight, then he quickly turned to Slappy.

"Mary-Ellen... She's back in town.." Rocky warned him in a low whisper.

Slappy groaned and slumped in his chair.
"You gotta be kidding me.... When did you see her?"

"On my way as I passed through an alley, sir. She asked me where you were at, and I told her that I haven't seen you in years, and she carried on her way."

Slappy sighed, feeling annoyed. "Can't she take the hint that I'm not interested? I've seen monkeys smarter than her!"

Rocky snickered. "Clearly she can't."

Slappy agreed with a slow nod as he looked out the window.

Rocky looked at Slappy, feeling worried. "I don't trust her, never had... I have the feeling she's up to something, I'd just keep an eye out, ya know?" He suggested. "Especially since you've got a girl now.."

Slappy shuddered, remembering his last fate he met when Mary-Ellen dragged him through a wood saw. Being invisible, he survived. However, he still had a small scar from the incident located on the bottom of his chin.


She was so clingy and obsessed with him, never giving him a chance to be alone for one minute. The girl was a complete psychopath, she was absolutely crazy. Whenever she didn't get her way, it ended badly.

He didn't want to run into Mary-Ellen anytime soon. Even if he did, he was far more powerful and stronger than her, and he can easily defend himself. However, he was worried about Belinda.

"I promised myself  I'd protect her in every way I can..." Slappy reminded himself in his mind.

He'd just hoped that everything will be okay.


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