A Night To Remember

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Slappy lead them down stairs to the dining hall where they were greeted by two French doors that lead into where the party was located.

He thrust open the doors, the music blaring loudly. The band, composed of skeletons, played swing jazz on their saxophones and trombones.

Belinda smiled as she recognized the song to be no other than "Sing Sing Sing" by Benny Goodman. Of course, it wasn't Benny who was singing, it was a mummy.

The room was filled with a vast assortment of monsters. Phantoms glided in the air blissfully with the music. A bunch of horrors and creeps sat at tables.

An unfamiliar lanky skeleton with a red scarf, glasses, and a purple Mohawk waved Slappy over to join him.

Slappy smiled and grabbed Belinda, bringing her with him as he approached the skeleton.

The skeleton stood up from his seat and smiled, giving Slappy a fist pump and a pat on the back.

"Hey-o, Slaps! My dude! Good to see ya back in town!" It said with a chill, radical accent.

Slappy smirked. "Haha, good to see you too, bonehead!" He suddenly turned to Belinda and pulled her forward. "Baby, meet Curly! My oldest friend." He said as Curly held out a bony hand to Belinda.

Belinda shook it and smiled. "It's nice to meet you." She said shyly.

"Haha! You're the broad Slaps is always talking about!" Curly said as he cackled.
"He never gets you off his mind! He's constantly telling the creeps and I all about you!"

Belinda smiled and blushed deeply.

Slappy slapped the back of Curly's skull, causing it to spin around his neck joint rapidly.

"Hey!!! What goes on at the club stays at the club!!!" He scolded at the skeleton.

Curly adjusted his head straight and cackled at Slappy. "Yea Yea, sure man. Just chill out."

"The club...?" Belinda asked Slappy quietly.

Slappy looked down at her and nodded. "The boys and I hang out at this abandoned graveyard sometimes. Ya know, just to let lose every once in awhile. Horrorland has all sorts of places we can go, I'll take you on a private tour after the party, how does that sound?" He explained, then smiled softly, gradually wrapping an arm around the girl's waist.

"Oooh! Yes, please!" Belinda replied, her eyes glistening with joy.

Slappy smirked. "Heh, good. But I'm gonna need your payment first, missy." He said, holding out his hand.

Belinda frowned. "Oh, sorry... I didn't think to bring any money with me..."

Slappy burst into laughter and huggged her.

"Baby! Don't take things so seriously!" He chuckled then looked at her with a hungry look in his eyes. "I only want one thing from you..."

Belinda blushed and looked into his eyes. "W-What's that??"

Slappy grinned and tapped his lips. "My lips are feeling kinda lonely, I think they should meet yours.." He whispered lowly. "You owe me a payment."

Belinda giggled and stood on her tippy toes, grabbing him by the shirt and kissing him deeply.

Slappy smirked and kissed her back, then patted her head.

"Good girl." He said with approval.

Belinda smiled. "I'm not a good girl, I'm a bad girl that never gets caught.."

Slappy's grin grew wider. "Damn, I love you."

Belinda smiled. "I love you more~"

The man raised a brow. "Ya sure about that? Because I think you should know that I love you the most."

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