A Familiar Face

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"K-Kitten?!" Belinda gasped as she stared at the woman.

The lady turned around and smiled. "Belinda!!! It's been years! What are you doing here??" She asked, shocked, gently hugging the girl.

Kitten was stunning, with chocolate brown hair and a Marilyn Monroe look.

"My boyfriend brought me here. It's our first date." Belinda explained as she hugged Kitten back.

"Date? My, my! Who's the guy?" Kitten asked excitedly.

Belinda smiled and gently stepped aside to reveal Slappy, who was standing behind her. "This is Slappy. Slappy, this is Kitten, my best friend!" She said as she introduced them to each other.

Slappy shook Kitten's hand. "It's nice to meet you."

Kitten shook his hand back. "It's nice to meet you, too." She responded.

She then pulled Belinda aside and poked her teasingly. "Haha, I see you making goo-goo eyes at him! You're totally in love!" She whispered, as she laughed a little.

Belinda blushed bright red. "Goo-goo eyes? I-I don't know what you're talking about..." She said, trying not to smile as she crossed her arms.

"Your face is bright red, it's obvious you're blushing, sweet-face." She said with a smirk.

Belinda's eyes widened as she quickly covered her face.

Kitten giggled. "I'm just messing with you.. But seriously, you two are perfect for each other!"

Belinda smiled and giggled. "He's really cute..." She whispered quietly.

Kitten suddenly switched her gaze to Slappy again, who was just staring off into space, not hearing any part of the girls' conversation.

She gently nudged him.

"Say, I'm here with my man as well, I don't think you've met him before! He's a really sweet guy, I think you'll like him!" Kitten announced, smiling fairly.

Slappy raised an eyebrow. "Hm?"

Belinda gasped and smiled. "Who is he?" She asked with surprise.

As if on queue, Kitten's boyfriend walked on over, smiling cheerfully as he wrapped his arm around her.

Kitten smiled and kissed the man's cheek. "I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Rocco." She said as the man chuckled and grinned at them.

"Please, just call me 'Rocky'..." He said as he shook Belinda's hand.

Slappy's jaw nearly dropped to the floor as he stared at Rocky with shock.

Rocky looked at Slappy, surprised.

Belinda and Kitten just looked at each other.

Belinda then glanced up at Slappy. "Are you alright, dear?" She asked with concern as Slappy just stood there, frozen.

Kitten looked at Rocky. "What's going on?Do you two know each other?" She demanded.

The two men just kept staring at each other.

Slappy suddenly looked at Belinda. "This old log over here threw me out a window!!" He exclaimed in anger and frustration.

Rocky growled. "Well, MAYBE if ya wasn't such a jerk-"

"Boys! Cut it out!" Kitten interrupted as she gently pulled Rocky away from Slappy.

Belinda hugged Slappy and looked up at him. "How do you two know each other?" She asked.

Slappy just kissed her head. "Long story... Don't worry about it, sweetie." He sighed as he took her by the hand and began to walk away, then turned to Kitten and Rocky.

"Look, Belinda and I have a date tonight, so we best be headed on our way... It was nice to meet you Kitten." He smiled but then looked at Rocky. "You too, I suppose..." He mumbled, trying to be polite.

"Uh, yea..." Rocky said as he coughed awkwardly. He was desperate to get out of there.

Kitten smiled politely. "Now, now. It's been years since I last saw little Belinda, here! I say we have a double date! Surely you won't mind, Rocky... Now would you?" She asked the man, raising an eyebrow, giving him the hint to agree.

Rocky slouched a little. "Uh, Yea.. Sounds like a wonderful idea.." He said dully, not really interested in the plan, then suddenly looked at Slappy.

Slappy nodded his head slowly.

Belinda smiled with excitement, and hugged Slappy's arm.

"Sounds like a plan!" Kitten said with a soft smile. "How about we get a table?" She suggested.

Slappy agreed and took Belinda with him to go find a waiter, who then seated the group at an empty booth.

Belinda sat down next to Slappy, who wrapped his arm firmly around her waist, holding her close.

The two exchanged a smile as they shared a menu, searching for something to order.

Rocky sat on the other side with Kitten, wrapping his arm around her.

Kitten's eyes darted across the menu. "My, my! So many options! I'm afraid I've never been here before, so I have no idea what to pick..." She said as she looked at Rocky, her face pleading for assistance.

Rocky was chewing on a toothpick and took a glance at the menu, then kissed Kitten's forehead. "Get the grilled chicken." He suggested.

Kitten nodded, then looked across at Belinda. "It's really nice to see you, again." She said with a bright smile.

"Indeed it is!" Belinda agreed, softly giggling.

Rocky and Slappy looked across at each other, and to both of their surprise, they actually exchanged a soft smile.

Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.

Kitten is an OC by my bestie, creepanimegirl3
Go read her books, they're amazing!! :)

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