The Search

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Slappy and Jimmy has been searching all over town for Belinda, yet they were unsuccessful in finding her.

Jimmy wanted to go home and give up, but Slappy refused to leave.

The blue sky began to fade into a dark gray, the clouds thickening above them, signaling that a storm was approaching.

Soft raindrops began to drop onto Jimmy's forehead, who in response looked up to the sky to see a bolt of lightening strike across the sky. He then turned around and looked over at Slappy.

"It's starting to rain.... We really should be leaving, we can look again tomorrow." He said, placing his arms over his head to shield himself from the rain.

Slappy shook his head rapidly.

"No!! I have to keep looking!!!" He shouted, feeling panicked to find the girl right away as he walked off and kept searching around.

Jimmy shook his head and began to walk away. "I'm going to the car...." He announced as he walked towards where his vehicle was parked in the street.

Slappy felt frustrated and nervous. He searched everywhere, yet didn't even find one trace of her.

He wanted her back so badly.

Slappy began to think about the horrible possibilities on what could happen to her.

"The rain.... She will get scared, she can't be by herself.. She will get hurt, or catch a cold... " He mumbled to himself, worrying about her as he frantically searched around.

He really was going to lose his mind.

"Belinda!!!!! Where are you???" He called out, his voice quivering.

The rain started to really pour heavy, followed by loud crashes of thunder that ripped through the earth.

"Slappy!!" Jimmy shouted from his vehicle. "Get in the car!! It's not safe!!"

Lightening streaked throughout the sky, leaving behind loud trails of thunder that shook the ground.

"BELINDA!!!!" Slappy cried out.

Without notice, Jimmy leaped our of his car and grabbed the man by the arm, pulling him into the car as he shut the doors.

"Slappy... I'm sorry, but it's no use!" Jimmy tried to explain, shaking his hair with his hand so it would release small bits of raindrops.

Slappy stared coldly at him, his eyes piercing.

Jimmy gulped and gripped the steering wheel as he pulled out of the street parking lot and began to drive down the road.

Slappy just stared at the road ahead silently.

His eyes narrowed as he watched the heavy rain pound onto the car windshield, sending a river of water trickling down the car windows.

Jimmy was driving carefully down the road, his headlights giving off a toned glare onto the dark street ahead.

"Slappy.... I'm sorry..." Jimmy whispered softly, trying to make the heartbroken boy feel better.

Slappy didn't say anything at all.

Once they arrived home, Jimmy quickly ran into the house to avoid the rain, whereas Slappy just walked slowly behind him, staring angrily at the ground as the rain soaked him throughly.

Once Slappy actually got inside the house, he just looked at his feet, feeling his heart shatter into what seemed like a million pieces.

"I lost her..." He croaked out quietly.

Jimmy looked sadly at the young man as he shut the front door, exhaling slowly.

Slappy unbuttoned his white shirt, which was drenched through, and took it off as he folded it up and placed it on the kitchen counter.

Jimmy patted the man's back before he walked down the hall and into his bedroom to change into some dry clothes.

Slappy, however, just sat down on a chair, staring at the wall as he listened to the storm throw heavy drops of rain onto the windows and roof.

The man got up and walked over to the kitchen window, staring intently at the rain which pattered down the glass.

He placed both of his hands behind his back as his eyebrows narrowed. He leaned forward so he can get a view of the grassy ground where puddles began to form.

Slappy often liked the rain, especially the thunder. He found it to be relaxing and enjoyable.

However, now that he knew his girlfriend was in danger out there, he thought otherwise about the weather.

He began to think about his Papa, back when they got along.

Slappy was a good son, he was just misunderstood. He never really fully understood the concept of family, which is exactly why he and Stine had problems in the first place. Slappy didn't like obeying his dad, and would often go his separate ways, which caused unstableness between their relationship.

R.L Stine was unable to guid his son to rules and regulations, teaching him the differences between good and bad. It wasn't Slappy's fault, he just didn't know, and when he recognized evil within himself, he appreciated his traits and was confident on whatever he wished to do with his life.

Once R.L Stine saw Slappy was evil, he got scared and tried to lock him away, which caused major problems in the family and separation between the two.

Now that Slappy was thinking about it, he truly did miss his father, whether he forgave him for what he did or not.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he heard a small knock coming from the front door.

He frowned and felt confused, then walked over to the door and opened it.

Once he unlocked the handle, he swung the door open as peered out.

"Hello?" He called out, shielding his eyes from the rain.

He suddenly gasped at who he saw.

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