Face to Face

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Belinda froze with fear.

"W-Who said that?" She asked nervously, her voice shaking. 

"I did." Said a voice from behind her. 

She spun around quickly to find Slappy leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed, and a warm smile plastered his face.

"I-I am so sorry!" Belinda cried out.

"Hey, hey... it's alright.. no need to be upset.." He replied in a calm, reassuring voice, helping her up.

"I didn't mean to.. it was an accident..." Belinda said quietly as she handed him the broken pieces of the bottle. 

"Don't worry about it!  I will just have Jimmy buy me a new one." Slappy said politely, trying to lighten up the mood of the conversation. He smiled to himself with great pleasure as he recognized her as the beautiful doll he spotted in the audience earlier that day. 

"Well, I guess I haven't properly introduced myself! The name's Slappy, and you are..?" He asked as he held out his hand.

"Belinda.." The doll replied shyly, shaking his hand. He sure had a strong grip. 

He held tightly on her hand. "That's a beautiful name.."

This was him, the one and only Slappy. She could hardly believe it herself. She was talking face to face with him, and in his dressing room too! 

"You really think so?" Belinda said, feeling her cheeks grow warm as she gently fiddled with her hair, staring into his warm, chocolate-colored eyes.

Slappy nodded slowly, his eyes meeting hers. He had became so entranced by her looks, that he has completely forgotten all about the outside world around him. He stared at the girl, admiring her beauty, unable to take his eyes off of her.

"How can anyone be so breathtakingly beautiful?" He thought to himself.

The two stood there, eyes locked in place, both feeling a moment of connection and passion, unable to find their words, until Slappy finally spoke.

"Well.." Slappy started, awkwardly fixing his red bow tie. "Did ya like the show?" 

He tried his best to spark up a conversation, desperate to know more about her.

"Oh, yes!" Belinda exclaimed with excitement. "It was absolutely wonderful! I've never seen anything quite amazing before! You truly have a talent for what you do.. You make an outstanding performer, and I find you to be extremely hilarious as well.." She explained, her smiled brightening as her eyes sparkled with joy.

"Really? Thanks! I love the theatre.. It just comes naturally to me." Slappy boasted confidently, smiling brightly, as he was never used to this much affection before.

"Wow! I could never talk in front of an audience like that. I would get too nervous..." Belinda said quietly with a giggle.

"Maybe we should hang out, and I could pass some of my fame down to you!" The dummy said with hope, chillantly trying to find a way to get closer with the doll without making it obvious.

"I would love to.." Belinda said, her eyes sparkling.

"Really?! That's awesome!- I mean... yeah.. that's cool..." Slappy said, smiling softly as he stuck his wooden hands into the pockets of his trousers.

Belinda nodded as she stepped closer, gently adjusting the red flower on his jacket. Slappy could feel his hollow, wooden cheeks burn up with a faint blush.

"S-So.. How come you aren't with that girl? Your owner, per say?" He asked with curiosity. 

"Oh, Kristy? She left me here behind by accident.. I am sure her parents will come back tomorrow to look for me and take me home.." She stated in reply.

"Why go back?" Slappy asked with concern as he frowned. He did not want Belinda to leave.

"I have no choice... they'll be looking for me..." Belinda said, although she would rather much stay here instead.

"Why don't you come stay with me? I could use some company," he explained, then added with a smirk; "especially from a girl as wonderful as you.." He stated to her in a soft voice, as he gently tucked a strand of her soft hair behind her ear.

"Oh, Slappy... That would be so exciting!.. But, what will Jimmy say?" She asked him, as she placed her hand on the side of his cheek.

"Don't worry about that ol' hunk-of-a-junk! He is my SLAVE, therefore he is forced to obey me and my orders! I always get what I want, and if I don't.... well, he knows the punishments.." Slappy said as an evil smug appeared on his face.

Belinda smiled and nodded in agreement. 

Slappy smiled back, as he slowly took her hand into his, holding it tightly as he pulled the doll closer.

He was determined to make her his.

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