Partners in Crime

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The drive home was pretty long, but soon enough, they arrived back at Jimmy's.

By the time the couple got inside, it was pretty late.

Jimmy had already fallen asleep on the couch, still dressed in his day clothes, his hair a scrubby mess with his reading glasses falling off his nose. The living room tv located in front of him buzzed softly with a small conversation coming from one of the channels. The static screen gave off a dim light on the sleeping man's figure throughout the dark house.

Slappy chuckled at the informal sight, unable to resist the perfect temptation of a prank.

He almost had forgotten that Belinda was right there beside him, and he didn't want her to see what he was about to do, knowing his reputation of a 'changed gentleman' could be ruined.

Although he claimed to her that he had changed his ways, he secretly still contained the passion for evil gigs and pranks.

He then softly brushed his lips on Belinda's neck, wrapping his arms around her torso.

"Darling, you must be exhausted. I think it's about time you get some rest... Why don't you head upstairs to our room, and I'll go get you a glass of water?" He whispered into her ear.

Belinda nodded, feeling dazed and sleepy,  then kissed his cheek and stumbled up the stairs.

Once she was out of sight, Slappy sprung into action.

Instead of getting the glass of water, he instead grabbed a red marker from one of the kitchen cabinet drawers.

Red, his favorite color.

He grinned evilly and excitedly to himself, then crept over to sleeping Jimmy, and wrote "SLAPPY" in big letters across the man's wrinkled forehead.

Slappy snickered to himself, satisfied with a job well done. He just couldn't wait to see Jimmy's reaction when he woke up the next morni-

"Slappy??" A small voice called out from behind. "What are you doing?"

Slappy froze.

"Damnit.." He whispered under his breath.

He'd been caught red-handed.


He flung the marker across the room in panic and turned around to find a very sleepy Belinda, rubbing her eyes.

He stumbled with his words as he tried to explain and come up with an excuse.

"B-Babe!!! It's uh, not what you think!!-"

"You're doing a prank without me??" She suddenly asked.

A wave of confusion hit Slappy.

"Wait... What?" He mumbled, still trying to take in what she just said

Belinda just giggled and picked up the marker, then walked past Slappy over to Jimmy.

"Did you really think I would want to miss out on the fun?" She asked, looking at the stunned former puppet boy from over her shoulder.

"I-I, uhh.." Slappy mumbled, still puzzled.

Belinda just kissed him, then uncapped the red marker and wrote, " + Belinda " underneath Slappy's signature, then drew a big heart over both of their names.

Slappy smirked and pulled her close.

"My little trouble-maker~" He whispered lowly, smiling evilly.

She giggled and returned an evil smile back to him, and together, hand in hand, the two lovebirds headed up the stairs, off to bed.

What a perfect way to end a perfect night.

What a perfect way to end a perfect night

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