Tomorrow Is Yet To Come

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After spending the night away on many different terrifying, yet exciting rides at the park, Slappy and Belinda finished it off by sharing a thing of cotton candy while sitting at an old wooden bench that was located far from the fairgrounds and more towards to neck of the Ghostly Graveyard.

A smooth mist crept throughout air, surrounding the couple with a creepy fog.

From a near distance, a large variety of crackled, ancient tombstones of the graveyard stretched throughout the grassy area.

The moonlight shown above the two, giving the only source of light throughout the dark cemetery.

Slappy stretches his arms as he softly wrapped one around Belinda securely.

The girl smiled sleepily as she laid her head on his broad shoulder while she picked at the cotton candy. She placed a piece of the sugary cloud in mouth as she gently tasted the sweet heavenly treat before it dissolved and disappeared.

"This candy.... It's so strange." She remarked as she tore away another piece gently.

Slappy raised an eyebrow, taking a piece and plopping it into his mouth.

"How so?" He questioned, scratching his head.

"It just, " She began to explain as she took another small piece and ate it before it vanished on the tip of her tongue once more. "disappears....."

Slappy chuckled before pulling away another chunk.

"Well, yea... Haven't you had cotton candy before??" He asked teasingly.

To his surprise, however, the girl shook her  'no' head in reply.

Slappy's expression changed. "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Don't worry about it..." Belinda quickly replied. She then sighed and looked down at her shoes. "It's just, well... When you're part doll, or a kid's doll, per say... You don't really have a chance to experience a lot.... I was locked away in the house most of the time, it was difficult...." She explained meekly.

Slappy frowned and held her hand firmly for comfort. "I understand, my dear... I completely understand... I know what it's like to be locked away..."

Belinda glanced up at him, her eyes questioning what he meant.

Slappy inhaled deeply and began to explain. "My papa.... He's afraid; afraid of me...  He thinks I'm insane, a complete threat to his life, therefore he locked my up into a book for years and years.. I know I'm evil, there's this monster inside of me, but that's just who I am. People don't understand and end up shutting me out from the world..." He explained in a deep, solemn tone.

Belinda felt sad and looked up at him, her eyes glistening with tears.

"I would never shut you out.... I promise I'll be by your side till the end of time." She whispered, her voice quivering.

Slappy smiled softly kissed her forehead. "And I promise, my dear, that I would never lock you up.. I will give you the life you've never had. I promise."

He softly whipped her tears with his thumb as he held her chin with his hand in a gentle manner.

Slappy grinned and spoke again.

"And maybe, one day, we could create a family of our own... A family we always wished for but never fully got. But this time, we will finally feel as if we belong." He said kindly and reassuringly to her.

She smiled and held his hand. "I love you, I really do."

"So do I." Slappy responses as he wrapped his arms around her as he gave her a tight and meaningful hug.

The girl nuzzled her face into his shoulder as he emotions finally felt in place again.

Slappy gently stroked her hair as looked upon her. "It's getting late, we should head back to my suite and go to bed, we have a big day tomorrow." He said with a wink.

Belinda's smile brightened. "Oh, yes!"

Slappy chuckled and picked her up, teleporting them both back to the suite to save time from walking through the woods again, especially since they tend to be more dangerous at night when it's hunting hour.

He set the girl down and thrust in the key into the doorknob, unlocking it with a small click as he pushed the door open with ease.

"Have a good night, your majesty." Terry the pumpkin chirped to the pair.

Belinda giggled and patted the pumpkin's head, following Slappy inside before he gently shut the door behind them, strutting over to one of the wooden dressers.

He gently tugged the drawers open, rummaging through the clothing contained inside of it.

He pulled out some soft pajamas for Belinda to wear, as well as some pajama pants for himself.

Slappy strutted over to the girl, humming the wedding march underneath his breath as he handed her the pajamas.

He then walked over to the side of their bed and undressed himself as he dawned the pajama pants on.

Although this hadn't been the first time she had seen him shirtless, Belinda couldn't help but stare at his well-built bare chest.

He really was good looking.

Slappy noticed her staring and smirked.

"You're so cute.." He chuckled as he booped her nose, causing her cheeks to turn bright red.

She smiled shyly and looked away bashfully. She then got dressed as well, as she then slipped underneath the silk comforter of Slappy's bed, which was surprisingly extremely soft. She could feel herself sink into the fluffy mattress, which felt more like she was laying on a cloud, surrounding her with nothing but comfort.

The bed was uniquely huge, and was just overpopulated with tons of crimson velvet pillows.

Belinda smiled and turned to her side, cuddling underneath the covers as she hugged a pillow close to her chest, closing her eyes.

Slappy smirked and jumped into the bed, causing the mattress to bounce Belinda in the air a little.

They both bursted into giggles in unison.

"Good night, cutie." Slappy whispered deeply into her ear as he hugged her close to him, her head resting on his chest. "Tomorrow is a big day. For both of us."

Belinda kissed him deeply and smiled.

"You know it will be." She replied.

Slappy smiled and used his powers to turn off the lights, and before they both knew it, they fell asleep immediately.

However, Slappy kept an eye open so he can keep his eyes on Belinda for a bit longer.

"My bride..." He thought to himself as he
beamed, soon falling asleep as well.

(Art is by my friend, PikachuThePokeDrawer 💖)

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