Magic Tricks

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As Slappy and Belinda began to kiss each other deeply and passionately, but then they suddenly heard a loud barking sound coming from the floor.

As Belinda leaned over the bed to peek under it, to her surprise, she was met with a large snout.

A dog ran out from under the bed with excitement, placing it's humongous paws on Belinda's shoulders and tackling her to the ground, licking her face.

"Woa, Woa!" Belinda giggled, rubbing the giant dog behind his ears. "Hi, there!"

Slappy chuckled and snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground. "Saber, sit!" He demanded, and the dog quickly sat on the ground and wagged its tail.

"Sorry, he tends to get excited a lot..." Slappy laughed as he patted Saber's head, who then laid on his back and panted, wanting a stomach rub. "This big beast's name is Saber.." Slappy noted to Belinda as he began to rub the werewolf's tummy.

Belinda smiled with joy and knelt down next to Slappy, petting Saber. "He's huge!"

Slappy chuckled and nodded. "Indeed, that's because he is is a werewolf." He then looked over at the dog and crossed his arms. "A werewolf who knows he isn't allowed on the bed!" He added raising an eyebrow at Saber.

Saber hide his head shyly then licked Slappy's face.

The man smiled. "Did ya miss me??"

The dog wagged it's tail excitedly.

Slappy grinned and stood up. "I'll take that as a yes!"

Belinda smiled and snuggled with Saber's fur, who in response nuzzled her cheek.

Slappy smiled and dusted the dog fur off his suit and walked to his closet. "The dinner party is in an hour and a half, I suggest we get ready. Feel free to use my-I mean our bathroom if you'd like to take a quick bath or freshen up." He suggested to Belinda.

The girl nodded and got up, patting Saber's head, then walked to the bathroom.

"Wait!" Slappy called out to her.

Belinda turned around, and Slappy quickly handed her two white fluffy towels for her to use.

Belinda smiled and took the towels as she walked into the bathroom, gently closing the door behind her.

Slappy's smile widened as he watched her go in, then proceeded to get dressed as he unbuckled his belt.

He had gotten a brand new black suit with red trim for the party, something different to spice things up a little. He often liked darker colors, but this suit was really dapper and sharp, and he wanted to look sensational in it.

He had gotten undressed carefully, slipping off his trousers and sports jacket, then soon removed his white dress shirt.

His smile grew wide as he picked up the other suit, and slowly got dressed in it, making sure not wrinkle it.

There he stood in the mirror, tying his cherry-colored bow tie and adjusting his jacket, feeling like he owned the place, which he practically did.

Meanwhile, Belinda got undressed in the bathroom.

She looked around aspiringly at the unique style of the bathroom. It was quite lovely, giving off a romantic vibe as it was contained of a granite countertop with two marble sinks, a porcelain toilet, and a fancy bathtub that was big enough to fit two people.

The girl turned the handle on the bathtub which immediately began to fill up with water.

Once the tub was full, she slowly slipped into the hot water, feeling relaxed as it surrounded her with warmth and steam.

She giggled as a few bubbles floated overhead above her, and she popped a few with her finger.

Belinda smiled innocently as she scooped up a handful of suds into her hands and blew at them, causing them to float across the tub.

Slappy smiled to himself as he heard her giggles, and he even chuckled a bit himself.

Once Belinda had finished washing up, she stepped out of the tub and began to dry herself down with the soft, fluffy towels Slappy had given to her.

As if like magic, the towels immediately dried her hair completely, and when she was finished, she looked into the mirror and saw her hair already curled and styled all by itself.

She stared with disbelief at her reflection, unable to believe how what had just happened was even possible.

"How strange..." She mumbled to herself, feeling puzzled as she turned around. But to her surprise, she was greeted by a beautiful black dress with red trim that matched Slappy's new suit, hanging off of a crystal hanger.

"T-That wasn't there before!!" She thought, feeling shocked.

Belinda almost fainted by surprise, and just stared at the dress as she slowly took it off the hanger. She slowly put it on, and looked at her reflection once more.

She never seen herself look so beautiful before.

A sudden knock came abruptly from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Darling?" Slappy called out in a low tone. "Are you ready?"

Belinda nodded slowly, still staring at herself, and opened the door with a confused look on her face.

Slappy smiled as he looked her up and down, then whistled.

"My, my... You're absolutely gorgeous~" He whispered, placing his hands on her sides.

"How... What.. Where..?" Belinda mumbled, feeling extremely lost.

Slappy chuckled. "I'm a master at magic, my powers on what I can and cannot do are a secret." He said as he winked at her, gently running a hand smoothly down her dress.

"You... You did all that? With the dress and everything?" Belinda asked, feeling amazed.

Slappy just smirked. "I think we should be heading on our way, we don't wanna miss the party, now do we?" He said as he proceeded to escort her out the door.

"No, we don't." She responded with a smile, holding onto his arm as they walked out of the suite.

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