Who's The Dummy Now?

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"Hello, boys and girls! It is I, Jimmy O'James! I am so happy you could all make it here, today!" Jimmy announced with a warm smile on his face. 

He nervously watched the crowd, scamming for a smile or two. He suddenly turned to Slappy, ready to start their routine. However, he wasn't sure if that's what the puppet had intended...

 "Say, Slappy! You're looking pretty good today!" Jimmy said, his voice shaking ever so slightly. 

"Thanks, Jimmy! I'd like to say the same about you! I'd like to, but lying makes my nose grow!" Slappy sneered in a cold, raspy voice. 

"Your nose grows?" Jimmy questioned. 

"Yeah, it almost killed my Uncle Pinnochio!" Slappy replied.

 A burst of laughter could be heard from the audience. Jimmy relaxed a little, hoping Slappy will stick to their routine. 

"Well...." Jimmy began. "How about a knock-knock joke?" 

The dummy looked at Jimmy. "Hmmm.. alright.." Slappy said thoughtfully. 

"Knock, knock!" Jimmy said, lightly tapping on Slappy's wooden head.

 "Who's there?" Slappy replied, slightly annoyed. 

"Wood." Jimmy stated. 

"Wood, who?" Slappy asked curiously. 

"Wood you like to hear another joke?" Jimmy asked, softly chuckling.


Much more laughter came from the crowd. 

People were actually enjoying the show.

"Huh.. this isn't too bad.." Jimmy thought to himself. 

That's when the dummy slowly moved it's gleaming eyes, searching the crowd. "How about we pick a volunteer, Jimbo?" Slappy said, in a quiet, yet mischievous voice.

 Jimmy knew what was coming next, and he feared it. This was certainly not a part of their act. But before he could reply with an excuse, the small hands of children darted impatiently into the air, as a rush of excited voices filled the audience. 

"I suppose..." Jimmy replied nervously.

 "Hmm.." Slappy mumbled, his eyes slowly searching the crowd. "Who to pick? Who to pick? I haven't seen faces like these since I've been to the fish market.." He said harshly. 

Some children frowned, and as Jimmy could see, some of the parents gawked at him. But who would have believed that it was the puppet and not him saying all of these nasty things? 

"S-Slappy.. B-Be nice..." Jimmy croaked out to the dummy, who wasn't even listening.

 "Ah, ha!" Slappy exclaimed with excitement as he spotted a pair of twins in the third row. "You two! In the pink! Come on up!" 

The two girls darted onto the stage excitedly. 

"Hello, and who might you two be?" Jimmy questioned, trying to be polite to the girls as possible.

 "I'm Gia!" One of them replied. 

"And I'm Mia!" The other said with a giggle. 

Jimmy was about to compliment them on their matching outfits when Slappy interrupted him. 

"Look at you two, all matching! I bet you two share everything! So which one of you has the brain today?" Slappy asked, cackling evilly.

 The girls smiles suddenly disappeared. 

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