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Slappy and Belinda spent majority of their after party dancing the night away. They kept teasing and flirting with each other while whispering loving things into each other's ear.

"Well, everyone!" Curly announced, raising his champagne glass that was filled halfway with spider cider. "It's time we give a toast to our master, Slappy, and his wife, Belinda!"

All the creeps and ghouls growled with delight as they lifted their glasses.

Slappy and Belinda were sitting at their personal table that was dedicated just for them, and smiled as they both held each other's hands, lifting their glass.

"Fears- I mean, cheers!!" Curly shouted as everyone clapped and took a sip out of their drink.

Slappy finished his refreshment in one gulp and turned to Belinda.

"Shall we go cut the cake, now?" He asked her, standing up from his chair as he stretched his arms.

She nodded and stood up, beaming at him.

"Sure, sounds good!"

The two made their way to the beautifully decorated table that was dressed up in a white table cloth. A whole feast of food was prepared for everyone as it laid neatly on silver platters, surrounding the ginormous, red velvet wedding cake.

The wedding cake stood tall, neatly covered in white, decorative icing as red, candied roses trimmed neatly along the cake's edges.

Belinda stared at it with amazement.

"Let's get cracking and cut this ca-" Slappy began to say as he was suddenly cut off short as he saw small shapes of fingerprints smothered in the icing on the bottom of the cake.

"What?! Who starting picking at the cake?!" Slappy asked, peering at the tiny bits of icing that was missing in frustration.


Slappy quickly turned around to see Glen/Glenda standing behind him, licking the icing off his/her fingers.

Slappy rolled his eyes. "Really? Where is your father?"

"My bad, mate.." Glen/Glenda replied, giving a sly smile as he/she gently whiped the stickiness of the leftover icing on his/her hands on his/her purple sweater.

"Sweet face, mommy was looking all over for you!" Tiffany called out as she rushed by Glen/Glenda's side. "Behave yourself, like a good daughter."

"Daughter?! He's our son!" Chunky shouted, stomping over. "Glen, don't listen to her."

"Glenda, it's GlenDA!" Tiffany shouted back.






Glen/Glenda looked back and forth at his parents frantically.

"Ummm..." Slappy interrupted. "Sorry to intrude here, but does anyone know where a knife is so I can cut this cake?"

At this point, the abominable snowman reached out with it's giant, hairy hand and took a huge scoop out of the cake, shoving it into it's mouth as it munched delightfully.

Slappy crosses his arms as he tapped his foot on the ground.

The abominable snowman gave a toothy grin at him, showing off his mouth full of cake as his furry face was covered in frosting.

"Seriously..." Slappy stated, face palming himself. "You had to do that?.."

The abominable snowman grabbed a another chunk of the cake and scrambled away.

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