It's Good To Be Back

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Once they entered the castle, they were immediately greeted by two witches.

"Hello, your royal highness!" One said with a small cackle. "It's good to have you back!"

"Greetings, Your majesty!" The other said as they both curtsied.

Slappy nodded and then pulled Belinda close, showing her off to them. "Ladies, I'd like you to meet my fiancé, Belinda!" He announced, patting Belinda's head.

"Fiancé? Oh, she's beautiful!" One witch gasped as she smiled and took Belinda's hands into her bony ones.

"Lovely, what a sweetheart she is!" The second witch admired as she gently played with Belinda's hair.

Belinda giggled, not used to all of the attention and compliments.

"Yes, she is stunning, isn't she? We will be married tomorrow night, so make sure you send the message to the cooks that they need to prepare the feast for the occasion, as well as our wedding cake! Make sure the cake has lots of layers, suitable for a king and his new queen!" Slappy demanded, waving his finger at the witches.

Both of the witches quickly nodded in response and got on their brooms.

"Yes, Your majesty!" They said in unison as they waved goodbye and zoomed off on their brooms.

"That was Hazel and Helga, they are both servants here at the castle." Slappy said to Belinda. "I have a lot of people working for me, as you can see." He said as he nodded ahead, showing her the many ghouls and monsters creeping in and out of the many lobbies and halls of the castle, busy doing their duties.

"Anyways.." Slappy added. "Let me show you to our bedroom, so we can settle down for a bit, then maybe I can give you a tour around?" He asked.

Belinda nodded and smiled softly, but just as Slappy was about to lead her up the grand staircase, they were suddenly interrupted.

"Your majesty.... welcome... back..." A zombie croaked out slowly as he trudged up to the man.

"Ah, thank you... Um, I apologize, but which one are you again?" Slappy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mordecai, sir..." He responded, giving a smile that showed off his rotting teeth.

Slappy nodded. "Good to know, there's just too many of your kind around here. Anyways, I'd like you to meet my new queen-to-be, Belinda. Belinda, this is Mordecai.." Slappy said as he introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Belinda said with a friendly smile as she held out her hand for him to shake it.

The zombie shook her hand very slowly, and just like that his eyeball popped out and landed on the floor.

"Oh... How... Embarrassing... I... apologize, miss...." Mordecai said solemnly.

Belinda gingerly picked up his eyeball and dusted off, then placed it back into his socket with a giggle. "Aw, it's okay!" She said.

Mordecai grinned and nodded to both of them. "Have.... a... nice.. day..."

"You too, take care." Slappy said as he grabbed Belinda and began to walk away.

He quickly carried on his way and paraded them both to the front desk and rung the service bell.

When nobody appeared, he impatiently tapped the bell again with more force, which gave off the sound of a creepy ring.

As if on queue, a horror quickly paced out of the back room, sitting down at the desk.

"Your majesty! Sorry for the wait, I was busy filing some papers... It's good to see you again! Hasn't nearly been Horrorland without you!" She said as she tapped her claws against the desk and shuffled with some papers.

"Nice too see you too, Miriam." Slappy responded.

"Ah! And who's this lovely young lady?" Miriam said as she took off her cat-eyed glasses and glanced at Belinda with bright, green eyes.

Belinda smiled softly. "I'm Belinda, it's very nice to meet you! This place is beautiful!"

Miriam nodded. "Indeed it is, that's because Slappy helps keep it in shape and scarier than ever!"

Slappy smiled. "Well, of course I do. I'm a hard working man, and my future wife does deserve the best."

"Future wife? Oh, how adorable!" Miriam squeaked out as she began to pinch both Slappy and Belinda's cheeks. "You two were made for each other!"

Belinda blushed and Slappy chuckled.

"Now, how may I help you this evening?" The horror asked.

"I need the key to my suite. I also need you to make sure Curly gathers everyone around tonight for a gathering party so I can announce my wedding and have everyone help me make plans? We have no time to waste because I want it all done by tomorrow night." Slappy said as he crossed his arms.

Miriam nodded and quickly grabbed a key from a drawer and got up, leading the two upstairs to the private floor.

"Right this way.." She said.

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