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Slappy suddenly gasped as he saw Belinda standing there in her human form as well, her hair and dress drenched from the rain.

The girl was shivering as she hugged herself, and she looked up at him with happy tears in her blue eyes.

"Belinda!!!!!!" Slappy shouted with happiness, his eyes glistening with relief and excitement.

He began to cry as well with pure joy as he grabbed the girl and held her close against him. He then picked her up by her waist as he spun her around.

Belinda hugged him tightly, burying her face into his shoulder as she cried, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh, Slappy!!!!!!" She whispered to him, smiling from ear to ear as she looked into his eyes and held his hand tightly. "I missed you so much!!!!!"

Slappy held her firmly by her waist as he gently caressed her cheek. "My beautiful girl, I promise I will never let you leave my side ever again!"

"I thought I lost you!" They both said in harmony together at the exact same time.

Belinda giggled and hugged him tightly once more as Slappy held her tightly to his bare chest.

The girl smiled as she could hear his heart beat, and closed her eyes, feeling relieved that she finally felt safe again.

Slappy suddenly lifted her face by her chin in order for her eyes to meet his.

They both looked into each other's eyes, and Slappy bit his lip as he stared at her lips.

He then held her firmly by her hips as they both kissed each other deeply and passionately, the rain softly falling around them.

Slappy locked his lips onto her soft ones, feeling his heart beat faster as he gradually rubbed her back.

Belinda wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him softly.

The two suddenly looked at each other, and smiled.

Slappy suddenly looked down at her.

"Darling! You're soaking wet! I don't want you to catch a cold! Come inside, I'll help you..." He said softly to her as he wrapped his arm around her and lead her inside, gently shutting the door behind him.

Belinda stepped into the home, and Slappy soon approached her with his jacket, placing it around her to keep her warm.

The girl smiled, blushing deeply as she snuggled with the coat.

Slappy gently ran his hand through her hair and kissed the top of her head.

Jimmy suddenly came downstairs and stared at the two, then smiled and chuckled happily.

"Belinda! There's our ol' girl!! Where have you been?" He said as he patted her head.

Slappy held Belinda close and looked at her. "Yea, What happened?! Are you ok?! Did somebody do something to you?!" He asked her quickly, looking up and down her for any traces of a scratch or a bruise.

"Don't worry, I'm okay." Belinda said reassuringly as she hugged Slappy's arm. "Kristy found me in the hall on my way back to your dressing room and took me home with her."

Slappy raised an eyebrow, feeling concerned. "Did she hurt you?!"

The girl shook her head. "Kristy would never hurt me... However, there was this one doll named Mary-Ellen. Kristy had gotten her while I was gone. She wasn't very polite and was a bit freaky, threatening me and not letting me leave..." She explained, fear rushing through her just thinking about Mary-Ellen.

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