The Objection

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Once Mary-Ellen started getting close to approaching the alter, Slappy's figure came into view as she could see him beaming with a wide, excited smile.

Once he saw Mary-Ellen, or whom he thought was his Belinda, his jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

He was taken back by her beauty, for he never seen his "love" look so magnificently beautiful in his entire life. Surely she was always a pretty girl, but it's like she got more stunning every day he spent with her.

"Belinda" soon finally stepped up onto the alter, Slappy staring at her, entranced by her every movement.

He then held out his hand to her so he could help guide her up the small steps to join him by his side.

But when Mary-Ellen put her hand in his, he felt something wrong.

Really wrong.

Slappy didn't feel that warm, fuzzy feeling he felt inside of him when he usually held Belinda's hand.

He was expecting to feel an extremely strong connection of love to have finally been reunited with his darling bride.

But he felt nothing.

He was waiting for this day since the day he met her, for he knew it would be one of the most special days of his entire life, and he thought he would at least feel the chemistry of love and passion.

"You know it's true love when you touch someone's hand." Curly had once said to him not so long ago.

But he felt as if he didn't know this woman at all.

Slappy shrugged it off and helped Mary-Ellen up the steps, giving her a soft smile as he held her hand firmly, hoping he can somehow squeeze some sort of feelings of affection back into their hands.

He looked at her, but then looked away and at Curly, who was holding a giant, musty book filled with wedding vows.

The skeleton blew the dust off the book, a cloud of debris brushing gently off the leather cover into a thick cloud as he opened it up.

"Well, let's get started here." Curly spoke as he flipped through the pages with his bony fingers until he found the chapter he was looking for.

The audience grew extraordinarily quiet, eager to listen.

"Welcome, boo-loved and dearly departed guests. I would like to thank you all for going us tonight to be a part of this scarimony with ghoulish delight. Today, we gather to witness and celebrate the union of our one and only master, Slappy, with his bride, Belinda, in marriage." Curly said, his voice echoing throughout the stone walls of the chapel, his bony jaw moving up and down with each word.

He suddenly flipped the page of the book and turned to Slappy.

"Do you, master, take this woman, Belinda, to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, for richer or for poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her, until death do you part?"

Slappy read every single word off of Curly's nonexistent lips, then turned to "Belinda" and stared at her, his eyes dancing with joy.

"I do." He said softly, but loud enough for the guests to hear.

Curly smiled a toothy grin and nodded, then turned to Mary-Ellen.

"And do you, Belinda, take this puppet, or man, to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, for richer or for poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him, until death do you part?" He asked slowly, staring at her with hollow eyes.

Mary-Ellen shrugged. "Yea, sure. I mean, I do." She said boringly without much effort or enthusiasm.

Slappy's smiled and took both of her hands into his, staring deeply into her eyes.

Curly grinned and looked out to the audience.

"Now, before we exchange the rings, if there is anyone or anything present who may object as to why this couple may not be happily wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." He warned as he studied every single ghoul's face, searching for anyone who might object.

Unexpectedly, the entire chapel began to shake as a loud and crucial crashing sound came from through the big wooden doors, descending into a blaring boom.

All of the guests turned their heads in shock, as Slappy and Curly stared ahead with astonishment.

Mary-Ellen gawked, her mouth dropping to the floor as her eyes burned with rage.

There Belinda stood, Sabre behind her as she gazed out to everyone.

"I object!!"

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