Chapter two.

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Roger's POV

Brian and I have been working on our parts for this song for a while now. It's called Bohemian Rhapsody or something like that.

"Alright play it back again from the start please," I hear Freddie's voice through the speaker, "and Roger I need you bring the tempo down a little."

"Right, got it!" I yelled back. We start back from the top and play through a few more times until we decided to call it quits for today. 

Brian and I walk back together to the control room. "That solos really good, but I feel like it's just dragging back slightly," I tell him as we walk through the doors.

"Well Roger, if you play at the right tempo it might just sound like it's not dragging!" He stats as a matter of factly.

Our small argument ends quickly when I hear, "I think you both sounded lovely. I have really enjoyed listening to you two today."

I look up and am surprised to see that Ellie is still here. "Thank you Ellie," Brian says with a light smile. "Why don't you come get a drink with us?" I politely ask her.

Her face lightens and she immediately replies, "I would absolutely love that," she turns to Mary. "Mary, can we please go?" She frowns and says, "I'm sorry dear but Fred and I need to get home and feed the cats."

Ellie looks very disappointed. "Well I can take her." I offer, without really realizing it. "No it's fine I don't want to put you in the trouble of taking me home," Ellie refuses, looking at me.

"Don't worry doll, it's really no trouble at all." She smiles and nods her head. "Okay let's go then." I grabbed my coat and looked at John and Brian.

"You two coming?" John shook his head. "My lady's waiting home for me." Brian looks at me and says,"Same here. Maybe some other time Ellie, have a good night."

I look to Ellie and say, "Then I guess it's just you and me." She nods her head and smiled. "Well I better get going," Fred says, "Stay safe darlings and Roger make sure she gets home safely." I quickly nod my head. "Yes of course." I hand Ellie her coat. "Ready to go then Ellie?"

"Yes." We head out of the studio and to my car. "Where do you feel like going?" I ask while holding the car door for her. She shrugs her shoulders and says, "Wherever you want."

"Well there's a bar right down the street that's never too busy." She agrees and I start the car up.

Ellie's pov

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I'm in a freaking car with Roger Taylor going to a freaking bar with him. I might pass out.

I look over to him as he drives. I watch him for a little bit until he turns around and winks at me. My face reddens and I turn my head to look out the window.

I hear him laugh quietly beside me. "So Ellie, how did you and Mary meet?" He asks me while glancing in my direction.

"Our parents were friends when we were little so they often made play dates for us." I answer him. "How long have you known Fred?" I think for a second then say, "I met him the first time a few years ago when Mary introduced me but I never really became friends with him until last year."

"Well I wonder why he never introduced me to such a lovely lady as yourself," he says, along with his breathtaking smile. I look down to my lap blushing.

"We are here, Ellie." He tells me while cutting the engine off. He got out first then came around my side to open my door. Then it suddenly dawned on me that I left my purse in Mary's car.

"Oh no," I mumble more to myself, but Roger must have heard. "What is wrong, love?" I get out of the car and look to him. "I left my money in Mary's car."

He shuts the door behind me and pulls me toward the entrance. "It's okay, it's on me." We walk inside and the place is empty for the most part.

"Are you sure Roger?" He nods his head as a yes. "Thank you." He pulls me to a booth and tells me to sit, "Anytime doll." He left to go to the bar and get us a drink. He soon returns with two drinks in his hand. He sits across from me and puts the drinks down.

We talked for a while and shared stories. After Roger finished his glass he went back to get more. This repeated until he was absolutely hammered.

I decide that it is getting late and that I need to head home so I help Roger up out of his chair. "Ellie, where are we going?" He questions, slurring his words. I realize that he is too drunk to drive so I tell him to give me his keys.

"Why do you need my keys? Are you trying to steal my baby!" He said the last part loudly make the few people that were there turn there heads towards us. "No Roger. I need them so I can get you home safely." He said ok and handed over the keys. Once we reached his car, I helped him into his seat then got it the drivers side.

"Roger, can you tell me where you live?" I asked him but got no reply. I looked over to see him sleeping in the seat. Welp, I guess I'll take him to my place. I started the car and made sure I was careful with it because I did not want to damage his "baby"

We soon reached my apartment and I shook Roger awake. "Come one Roger. Let's go inside and you can sleep there." He got out of the car and we slowly walked to my apartment. I opened the door and brought him to my room.

I have a guest bedroom that my brother stays in when he visits, but he specifically told me to never let any guys sleep in it. I swear, he's so controlling when it comes to guy friends.

"Here Roger you can sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch." He shook his head no and said, "I may be drunk but I still have manners. Please, you take the bed." He was lied to the couch and collapsed on it. Well I guess there is no point in arguing this. I changed into my pajamas and slumped in my bed. I quickly fell asleep with thoughts of my day in my head.

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