Chapter four.

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I just made up a random name for Ellie's work place. And at the beginning of chapters unless it says someone else's POV then it will be Ellie's

After Roger dropped me off at home I walked inside and heard my telephone ring. I pick it up and answer it I wonder who is calling. "Hello," I say into the line. "Hello is this Ms. Ellie Richards?" The person on the other end asks. "Yes this is Ellie." "This is Phoenix Corp. I'm sorry to inform you but we are going to have to let you go." The lady says.

I can't believe this. I'm getting fired from my job. I don't know what I'm going to do. "Don't worry about coming to fill out papers. Everything you need is going to be mailed to you along with your Belongings." She said interrupting my thoughts.

"Okay, thank you for informing me." I said then hung up the phone. A tear slid down my cheek as I pondered this. It's not that I'm sad about them firing me because I don't care much for the job. I'm just upset because I don't know where I'm going to go. Or how to pay bills. This apartment's not cheap.

I quickly get in my car and drive to Mary's apartment. She can help me. She always does. I knocked on her door to no reply. She must be at the studio. I get back in the car and drive there.

I'm greeted by the friendly door man again. I hope he remembers me so I can go inside. "Hello miss. You are the friend of Mary's, yes?" He asks me. "Yes sir. Can I please go in I need to talk to her." I tell him. "Of course ma'am," he tells me while opening the door.

I go inside and up the elevators the studio. Luckily I remember which it is. I open the door and run in to see Mary. I go straight to her and catch her by surprise by hugging her. I start crying again. "Ellie. What are you doing here?" She asks me. I look up at her and she realizes I'm crying. She puts a hand on my face and wipes my tears. "Oh come Ellie, let's have a seat over here," she says while leading me to a couch.

"Tell me what's wrong." I sniffle and say, "they fired me. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't have a degree to get a job anywhere else and I don't know how I'm going to pay for my apartment. How am I going to get food!" My rambling is cut of when the studio door burst open and all the boys come in.

"Oh darling, what's the matter," Freddie asks me while rubbing my back with his hand. "Ellie, are you okay love?" I hear John say behind me. Mary stands up and walks to Freddie and whispers something in his ear. They both walk out of the room.

Roger takes the seat beside me and gives me a hug while rubbing my back. "She probably doesn't want to talk about it guys," Roger tells them offensively. "We are just worried Roger jeez," I hear Brian say. "Well just back off you guys are probably making it worse by bombarding her." He tells them.

"I'm fine guys. Thank you for your concern though. I just got fired," I tell them all. "Oh Ellie," Roger says while pulling me closer so he can comfort me.

At this moment Mary and Fred walk back inside. "Ellie, would you like to work with us? We need a new photographer and I was told by Mary that it's a hobby of yours," Freddie said. I look up in disbelief and say, "You aren't serious are you?"

Mary smiles brightly at me and says, "He's being true Ellie. You should do it." I shook my head quickly and said, "Ok I'll do it!" I look down and realize the position me and Roger are in. I quickly move away from him and blush. His face also flushed a shade of pink.

"Roger! Are you blushing?" Brian asked while laughing. "No I'm not! It's just the lights," Roger said in his own defense. "I told you he had the hots for her!" John yelled making me go red again.

Freddie and Brian laughed loudly at this as me and Roger both sit together awkwardly. "Aren't you supposed to be finishing your bass part right now?" Roger said to John while pointing his finger at him. "No actually, you are supposed to be finishing your drum part!" Brian fires back in John's defense.

Roger stood up and walked to the studio. "Whatever," He said opening the door and walking inside. Freddie followed behind him. I guess he has to record a piano or singing part.

Brian and John take a seat behind the panel. "Why don't you join us Ellie?" John asks me. I smile and take a seat in between them. "Alright let's take this to the rock at the end," Brian says through the microphone. I can hear Freddie counting off then they both start to play.

It seems as Fred is only playing piano with no vocals right now. I hear him yell out a cuss and they stop playing. "We need to slow down a bit" Roger said to Freddie. "No I think it sounds nice. Quite lovely." Fred said back to him.

They continued again and I must admit, Roger is quite cute behind the drum set.

"He is trying to show off for you," Brian said as he noticed I was watching him. "Oh really?" I ask sarcastically. "He isn't joking," John said. "Mhmm" I hum.

After watching for a while longer, I decide to take my leave. "Im going to head out now," I say waving to Mary, John, and Brian. They all smile back. I stand up and walk to the door. Before I could leave I hear the studio open and Roger runs out.

"Are you leaving Ellie?" He asks me. "Yes Roger, I've enjoyed watching you play today," I replied. "Oh well bye," he says. "See ya," I tell him grabbing the doorknob. "Umm Ellie," Roger calls after me. I look up to him in acknowledgment. "Um you look very uh lovely today," he say rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Uh thanks," I say then walk out.

Rogers pov

"Wow, that was really awkward," Brian says while Mary giggles and John laughs. "Umm you uh look uh lovely umm," John says mocking me. "Oh shut up. I was just being nice.

"Well I think it was quite cute," Mary says, "He ran all the way out here just to say by and tell her she looks good."

"Thanks Mary." I say to her. She smiles back to me. "Roger, what do you think you are doing out here? You need to come finish your part before you start flirting with girls," Freddie say coming into the room. I roll my eyes while Brian and John laugh at me again. I walk back into the studio to finish up.

I wonder if Ellie was impressed with me. I was trying really hard because I know she was listening.

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