Chapter twenty.

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Roger's pov

Ellie didn't come with me to the studio today since we are pulling an all nighter. Brian and Freddie are out on a coffee run making this a perfect time to talk to John.

He is sitting on an amp while tuning his bass. "Deaky," I grab his attention. He looks up surprised then realizes it's just me.

"Oh, hey Roger," he smiles. "Can I ask you something?" I say taking a seat on the floor next to him. "Go ahead," he nods.

"How do you know you love someone?" I ask him. He looks caught off guard for a second but quickly answers, "Well, you will just know it. It's a feeling that you will get someday in the pit of your heart. Whenever you see that person your heart will swell with happiness, you'll feel at home."

I ponder on his words for a little bit then say, "How did you know Veronica was the one?" He smiles and sets his bass down so I have his full attention.

"Do you think you love Ellie? Is that why you are asking my this?" He says. I look down and say, "I don't know John. I almost said it to her today without even thinking of it."

"Why don't you tell me how you feel when you are with her," he suggest. "Well I get this overwhelming sense of joy when she's near. When she's not with me, I miss her. If I see another man just look at her, it makes me angry inside. She's the first and last thing I think of everyday. I don't even spare a glance at other girls because Ellie is the only one on my mind. I want to show her off and let everyone know she is mine," I confess.

Deaky smiles from ear to ear and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Roger, I believe you are in love my friend," he confirms. I smile as I ponder of my own words. I realize something, I do love Ellie.

"You're right Deaks, I'm in love with Ellie Richards," I finally admit to myself. "Thank you John, I really appreciate this. And again, I'm really sorry for the way I acted the other night," I apologize.

"It's alright Rog, you were just defending your lady," he assures me.

The other boys return shortly and we work into the early hours of the morning. We finish around four in the morning and I can barley keep my eyes open.

I walk outside to my car and get inside. I rest my head on the wheel and almost doze off. I quickly jolt awake and puts my hands around the wheel.

I begin to drive while trying to keep my eyes open. My apartment is about 30 minutes away. I don't think I'm going to make it that far.

I could stop by Ellie's. Her place is about ten minutes away. Well never mind. She's probably asleep. I don't want to disturb her. My eyes begin to droop again as I see headlights coming my way.

I quickly jerk my car to the side, narrowly avoiding a wreck. That's it, I have to go to Ellie's. I won't make it to my home.

Using the last ounce of my energy, I drive to Ellie's apartment and groggily knock on the door. Who am I kidding, there's no way she's up right now.

I turn to leave when I hear the door open. I turn around to see Ellie with a silk robe. "Roger?" She asks eerily.

"I'm sorry love. We just finished in the studio and I'm so tired I didn't think I would make it home safely. I almost wrecked in the way there so I decided to come to your place," I explain.

"Please, come inside. You can sleep with me tonight, I don't mind," she tells me opening the door wide. I walk inside and immediately collapse on the couch.

I hear Ellie's beautiful giggle behind me. "Come on Rog," she touches my shoulder, "Let's get you to bed." She helps me up the steps as we make our way to her bed room.

I fall down in the bed and wrap myself in the covers. I hear he giggling again and a smile comes upon my face.

She climbs in bed and cuddles up next to me. I feel her hand running through my hair sending sensations all throughout my body.

I release a sign and move closer to her. I use her chest as a pillow and wrap my arms tightly around her waist. I'm practically on top of her as I rest my legs in between hers.

"You are too cute Rog," Ellie whispers leaving a kiss on my head. I smile, completely content in this moment, and let darkness over come me.

Ellie's pov

I am awoken by Roger's soft snoring. I run my eyes and try to sit up but remember that Roger is on top of me.

I look down to be greeted by his handsome face. I caress his cheek and he shivers. He moves around a bit before his eyes finally open.

He looks up at me and smiles brightly. He looks too cute right now. His hair is all over the place and his eyes are droopy with exhaustion.

He frowns and rolls over to his back. "What's wrong love?" I ask him.

"I don't feel too good Ellie," he says. I can tell his nose is stopped up by the way his voice sounds. I lay my hand on top of his head to feel it's burning hot.

"I think you have a fever Roger. Your head is burning," I tell him concerned. He groans when he hears my words. "Stay here. I'll go make you some soup. And don't get out of bed. I mean it!" I order him.

He nods his head rolling over on his side. I run to my kitchen and make the soup as fast as possible. I hurry up the steps without burning my self.

"Roger dear, I have your soup," I walk to his side of the bed and set the bowl on the night stand. He sits up and tries to grab it but I swat his hands away.

I pick up the spoon and bring it to his mouth. "Are you going to feed me?" He asks laughing a little. "Yes," I tell him.

"No, I can feed my self," He protest. "I won't let you. You are sick, just let me take care of you," I beg.

"I'm only letting you if you get up here on my lap and give me kisses. It will make me feel better," he puts out his lip.

I roll my eyes, but climb up on his lap anyways. He leans forward to give me a kiss but I lean back. "You are going to get me sick Roger!" I fuss. "Can I at least get one on the cheek?" He begs.

I press a quick kiss on his forehead and pick up the bowl. I proceed to feed him all of it giving him a kiss every now and then.

"Please lay with me Ellie," he pleads. I smile and get in the bed with him. He pulls me close to him and intertwines our bodies together. He quickly falls asleep as I caress his cheek. "My poor baby, "I whisper leaving a kiss on his forehead.

Looking at my clock, I see that it is 12:30. Brian is supposed to pick me up at 1:40 to go to the park, I guess I'll have to cancel.

I untangle myself from Roger and walk to my phone in the corner of the room. I dial Brian and he picks up quickly and with a, "Hello."

"Hey Brian. It's Ellie. I think I'm going to have to cancel the park because Roger is sick and I need to take care of him," I tell him. "I'm sorry," I add.

"No, no. You are fine dear. Can I come visit him? I just want to check up on him," he asks. Aww. Their friendship is just adorable.

"I'm sure Roger would be delighted," I tell him. "You can come around one, because he is sleeping now," I say.

We talk for a few minutes then I hang up the phone. I walk back in the bed to check on Roger.

Placing my hand on his forehead, I feel that he still has a fever. It hurts my heart to see him in this state.

I wonder if Roger loves me? Whoa! Where did that thought come from? We just started dating. I should get my hopes up. Besides, I don't even know if I love him.

I ponder on that last though for a little while. Do I love him. I think of the way I get butterflies when he kisses me. How I miss him everyday when I'm not with him. The way I get jealous when other girls flirt with him.

Maybe I do love him. No, I think I do love him.

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