Chapter forty-three

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May 2, 1976

"Danny is going to beat my ass," Roger says, looking anxiously at the house before us.

The boys don't start recording their next album until July, so I decide to fly to York with Roger to meet my parents.

"Yeah, but I'll still love you regardless of a broken face or not," I joke, bopping his nose with my finger.

His eyes widen and he gulps. "I'm only joking, love," I giggle. Relief crosses his face before covered with more worry.

"What about your parents? I haven't even met them before and now we are getting married," he asks.

I can't help but laugh at his nervousness. "Roger, I've told them about you on the phone several times and they are fine with us living together. Besides, my mom will be ecstatic," I assure him.

"Okay." He nods his head and rubs his sweaty hands in his pants. He wanted to dress up a bit for them so he's wearing jeans and a black and white striped button up shirt.

"Come on, lets go," I say before opening my door and hopping out of the car we rented. We are going to stay for a week so I though it would be useful to get one.

Roger followed me to the door and held his hand in mine. I knocked on the door and could hear my mom talking. She's probably in the kitchen finishing up dinner for us.

I quickly move my engagement ring to my right hand so they won't assume anything before we tell them.

"Ellisie!" Daniel says, pulling me into a warm hug. "I missed you, Dan," I sigh, smiling widely.

He pulls away and nods at Roger. "Nice to see you," he says, shaking his hand. "You too, Daniel," Roger tells him, smiling.

I'm glad they are getting along now, because I know he's going to throw a fit when we break the news.

"Well, come inside. Mom and dad are so excited to see you," he says after a short pause. I nodded my head and rushed past him, into the kitchen where I knew my mom would be.

"Mama!" I yell. She turns around from the stove and embraces me in a hug. "Oh, Ellie! You've changed so much in the past year," she says, pulling away.

She kisses my cheek and calls my father into the room. "Dad," I say, running up to him and hugging him. "I missed you guys so much," I tell them.

"We missed you too baby. Where's that boyfriend of yours?" My dad asks me, his accent peeking through.

He's from the states and moved here for college in his twenties. That's how he met my mom. Anyways, he has quite a southern accent seeing he's from Oklahoma.

"Oh! I've left him up front. I was so excited to see you and I just ran back here without think much," I laugh. "I'll go get him."

"Ellie, you and Roger live together? You aren't even engaged," Dan fusses. I chose to ignore him and roll my eyes. I grab Roger's hand and pull him to the kitchen, smirking at him because we are in fact engaged.

"Mom, dad, is like you to meet Roger Taylor," I introduce them, pushing Roger forward a bit.

"Who gave you permission to date my daughter," Dad asks, crossing his arms. I roll my eyes knowing he's only messing around, while Roger looks as if he's seen a ghost. I don't blame him, my dads like six foot seven inches.

"I'm only joking," he chuckles. "It's nice to finally meet you, son. Ellie is always talking about you on the phone," dad says, shaking his hand. Relief flashes across Roger's face.

"You too, sir. All good things I hope," he says, looking back at me. "Oh from what she's told us, you seem absolutely delightful," mom tells him.

"It's very good to see you, dear," she smiles, pulling him in for a hug. "It's wonderful to meet you guys," he tells them, after my mom pulls away.

"Dinner is almost ready so why don't you all hang out in the living room for a few minutes?" My mom suggests.

Roger and I follow my dad to the next room over. We sit in the loveseat and dad sits in the single chair. Danny joins us as well and sits in the couch across from us.

Danny's eyes immediately zoned in on Roger's hand that was on my bare knee. "So how long have you been together now?" My dad asks.

"Um, almost a year," I say, counting the months in my head. "This month will be our 10th anniversary."

"Only ten months and they're already living together," Dan scoffs, catching dad's attention.

"Living together?" He asks, looking strictly between us. My heart instantly started to beat faster.

"Don't you remember, over the phone? Mom said it was fine," I mumble. "Well she never asked me," he fusses.

"Honey," I hear my mom say behind me. "He's only messing with you, dear," she tells us, rolling her eyes. Dad chuckles slightly and says, "You should've let me drag it a bit longer. She looked like she was going to pee herself!"

"Dad!" I fuss. "Supper is ready," mom tells us. We let Dan and Dad go before us as we linger a bit.

"He already hates me," Roger sighs. "No he doesn't. He just likes to give people a hard time," I assure him. "Okay, Love. Whatever you say he nods his head wearily.

I kiss his cheek and lead him to the dinning room where everyone is already seated. Two seats in the center of the table were left open, so Roger and I took them.

I was sitting across from Danny and dad while mom say at the head of the table to my right.

After we had finished our dinner and catching up with one another, I decided to tell them the great news.

"Roger and I have some news we'd like to share," I grab their attention. They stop talking and focus on us. We were both giggling and arguing about who was going to say it.

Finally , Roger cleared his throat and said, "We're getting married." My mom and dad instantly broke out in huge smiles and I could already tell mom was about to cry.

"Fucking hell." My eyes snap to Danny where his head is in his hands.

My heart dropped. It was almost like the whole world stopped when Dan stood from his chair. I squeezed Roger's hand, hoping that Danny wasn't going to do anything.

All my worries disappeared when I saw the smile on his face however. He ran around the table to us and pulled me out of my chair to hug me.

"I can't believe this. My little sis is getting married," he tells me, after he pulls away. Roger also stood up and put his hand out to shake. "I'm sorry for not asking you Daniel," he apologizes.

I don't think Dan minded much seeing that he completely disregarded his hand and pulled him into a brotherly hug. "I know you will Take good care of her," he tells Roger.

"Oh, this is wonderful," I hear my mom whisper. She's right, everything about this is just perfect. I'm with my parents again, Danny approves of us, and I am marrying the love of my life.

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