Chapter twenty-one.

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"Hello Brian," I greet him. "Hello Ellie, how's Roger?" He asks walking inside.

"Come on, I'll take you to him. He's in my room," I tell him pointing to the steps. "Lovely place you've got Ellie," he compliments.

"Oh you are too kind Brian," I smile. We walk up the steps and I knock on the door to my room. I open it up to see Roger lying in bed.

"Roger! Are you okay love?" I ask speed walking to him. I sit on the edge of the bed and hold his hand. "Can you turn down the heat? I feel like I'm melting," he requests.

"The a.c is on Rog," I say frowning. "Here, lets get these blankets off you." I pull the blankets down so he can get more air.

"Hey Roger. How you feeling?" Brian asks standing at the door way. "Do you really need to ask that?" Roger rolls his eyes.

"I feel like utter crap," he tells Brian. "Sorry Rog. Do you know what he's sick with?" He asks me. "I think he just has a fever. I also think it's going down. This is what usually happens when it's about to go away," I explain.

"Roger dear, I'm going to get you some water. I'll be right back," I tell him giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. He nods his head and I exit the room.

I fill a glass up with ice then water and put a straw in it so he won't spill it. My poor Roger. He's miserable.

I hurry up the steps and stop outside the door when I hear my name. They must be talking about me.

"How's it working out between you two?" Brian says. "It's better every day. I'm kind of glad I got sick because that means Ellie gets to take care of me," Roger tells him.

"So you actually are sick? Huh, I thought you were faking," Brian says laughing. "Being honest here I don't feel as bad as I'm making it out to be. I just love how Ellie takes care of me," he admits.

"Roger Meddows Taylor!" I say storming in the room. "Uh oh, you know it's bad if she says my full name," Roger says from the bed making Brian laugh. He sits up waiting for my wrath.

"You pulled yourself into this one mate," Brian says laughing. "You mean to tell me you've been faking!" I fuss setting the water on the bedside table.

"No! I'm actually sick. I've just felt fine the past hour," he says looking down. I roll my eyes and look at Brian.

"Does that mean I get to go to the park with Brian?" I get excited. "What? No, you have to take care of me. I'm sick!" Roger fake coughs.

"Please Roger," I beg. "I'll let you talk this out," Brian says exciting the room. "I don't want you alone with another man," Roger says crossing his arms.

"But Brian has a wife!" I say. "And I have you."

"I just don't like the sound of it," Roger argues. "Do you not trust me?" I pull the guilt card out. "Come on Ellie. You know I trust you. I just don't trust other people," he tells me.

"You don't trust Brian? Come on Roger. Just let me go," I plead. He thinks about it for a little while.

His answer is taking too long so get on the bed and sit on his lap. I rest my arms in his shoulders and give him a kiss. He tries to deepen the kiss, but I pull away.

"No, you don't get that until you agree," I say. He rolls his eyes and sits back against the headboard.

I kiss his jaw and down his neck. Unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt, I feel up his chest with my hands.

He groans and I smile in victory. I stop kissing him and look up. I lean into his ear and whisper, "We can finish this when I come back." I kiss beside his ear and pull back.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He says shocked. "Is it working?" I answer. He smirks and says, "Feel for yourself love." He moves underneath me and I gasp, "Roger!"

"Can I Please go," I change the subject before I get distracted. "Fine," he sighs. I smile brightly and give him a big kiss on the lips.

"Thank you Roger!" I say peppering kisses all over his face. I stand up and he follows suit. "Just be back by five," he tells me. I nod my head and search for my camera bag.

Once I find it, I put it around my shoulder and walk to the door. "You better stay true to your word of finishing it later," he says huskily. "I'll be waiting for you," He says in my ear. I shiver and grab the door knob.

As I walk out the door, I feel a smack on my rear. "Roger!" I squeak. He just smirks and throws me a wink.

I quickly walk down the steps and find Brian in the living room. "Let's go Bri!" I say walking to the door. "Is he letting us go alone?" He asks following me.

"Yup. We have to get home before five though." I tell him. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you are here on time. I don't want to make Roger mad," he shakes his head.

He unlocks his car and we hop inside. The park is only a ten minute drive from my place, so we made it there by 1:30.

"Did you bring your stereo camera?" I ask him. I'm very interested to see it. I've never used one before.

"Yup," he says holding up a camera bag. "I can't wait to see how it works!" I say excited already.

We walk in the park for a few minutes until we find a field with lots of trees scattered around. There are tall buildings behind and no one is present on the field.

"Smile, Ellie," Brian holds up his camera as I strike a pose. "That'll be a lovely photo," Brian says. I take out my Polaroid and point it at him. "Your turn." I snap a photo of him and wait for it to print out.

I stick it in the pocket of my bag and get my nice camera out. We take pictures of the scenery for a while then decide to move on.

We head to the center of the park where a big fountain is located. "How's recording going?" I ask as we take many photos.

"It's quite well. We are making a lot of progress. Well probably have the album done by October," he tells me.

"That's wonderful. I can't wait to buy it," I smile. "How bout that song Roger wrote? What is it, I'm In Love With My Car?" He says chuckling.

I laugh along with him and say, "I can't believe he locked himself in a cupboard for that! I still tease him about that quite often."

"Does that not get on his nerves? I brought it up the other day and he was furious!" Brian tells me. "No, he just laughs with me. He's never seemed bothered when I poke fun."

"Dear, you've got Roger wrapped around your little finger. That boy isn't letting go of you anytime soon," Brian chuckles.

"How's your wife Brian?" I ask him. "Chrissie is wonderful as always," he replies.

We enjoy our time together sharing stories, telling jokes, and taking pictures. Brian looks down at his watch and says, "Oh my! Time sure does fly. It's 4:30, I should be getting you home now."

He drives me back to my apartment so Roger doesn't get mad. "Thank you Brian. I've had a lovely time today," I tell him. "Me too Ellie. I hope we can do this again soon," he agrees.

I step out of the car and wave him goodbye one last time. I unlock my door and open it to be greeted with soft music playing in the back ground and the smell of food in the air.

What is Roger up to?

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