Chapter twenty-seven

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July 30

Roger's pov

Ellie's birthday is in two days. I'm out shopping for a camera for her. I don't know anything about them so I brought Brian along.

"What's the camera you have, sterio? Ellie is always talking about how cool it is," I ask him, looking at all the cameras.

"It's a stereocamera. They are quite expensive Roger," he answers. "I know, but I've been saving up," I tell him.

"This is the model I have," Brian holds up a camera. "Then I'll get that one," I say. I pick one from the shelf and walk to the cashier.

"Ellie's going to love this. Thank you, Brian," I say leaving the store. "Yeah, anytime," he says.


I dropped the gift off at my house and remembered that I left my record at Ellie's.

Now I'm in the car heading to her place to get it. Really I'm just using this as an excuse I see her.

Ellie's pov

"Danny!" I say opening the door. I jump on him and give him a big bear hug. "I missed you! What are you doing here?" I ask him.

Daniel is my brother. I haven't seen him since April. He's always busy with work so he doesn't come down here much to visit. He lives up in York with our mother.

"I came for your birthday, silly," he says pulling away from the hug. "I thought I'd come down a few days early to surprise you," he smiles.

"Well come on inside. I just made some tea, I'll get you a cup," I tell him. He walks into the living room and I go to the kitchen.

I pour two cups and bring them into the living room. I hand him a cup and take a seat next to him on the couch.

"How's Beth?" Beth is his fiancé that he's marrying in December.

"She's great, as always, but I'm head to catch up with you. How have you been?" He asks me. "Well I've got a new job," I tell him.

"Oh really? What's that?" I smile and tell him, "I'm a photographer for a band called Queen." He nods his head. "I haven't heard of them. Are they local?" He asks.

"Really? Guess they haven't reached York yet have they? Well they are quite popular around here. They just had an album that was quite popular. In fact one of the songs almost got #1," I explain.

"Oh, maybe I've heard them then," he says, "Anyways, what are you planing for your birthday?"

"Oh, I'm not sure. I was thinking of just spending the day with friends," I tell him.

I hear the door unlock and open. I look in the direction of it and see Roger walking into the living room.

His eyes land on Daniel. Oh, dear. I need to clear the air before he gets the wrong thoughts.

"Oh, um, Roger, this is my brother, Daniel. Daniel, this is Roger, my boyfriend," I hesitated at that last part.

"Boyfriend?" Daniel says looking at Roger. He stands up and Roger puts his hand out to shake. "Nice to meet you, Daniel. I'm Roger Taylor."

Dan looks at his hand but doesn't shake it. "So you're dating my sister?" He says as Roger awkwardly puts his hand down.

"Yes, I am," He says. Danny hums in a response and sits back down. Roger takes a seat in the loveseat beside the couch as well.

"So, What are your intentions with my sister, Taylor?" Daniel says starring him down. "I'm going to go get some more tea," I say standing up and leaving.

Roger gives me a pleading look as I walk away. I take my precious time pouring Roger and myself a cup.

I return with two cups in my hand. I give one to Roger and he gladly accepts it. "Thank you, love," He says giving me a quick kiss.

"Hands off my sister!" Danny fusses. I roll my eyes and take a seat beside Roger. He wraps and arm around my waist and rests his hand on my side.

Daniels eyes narrow on him while I look around the room, avoiding his gaze.

"How long have you two been dating?" He asks. "About a month, Dan. Now can we please talk about something else?" I beg.

"Fine," Dan huffs. "Are you going to be staying here with me in the guest room?" I change the subject.

"That's what I was planning," He says.

"I've got to go, love. I'm supposed to be in the studio in 20 minutes," Roger says, "I was just stopping by to get my record I left here."

"Another late session?" I ask looking at the clock. The time is eight. "Yeah, we'll probably be ending it earlier than usual though," he tells me.

"I didn't get any pictures last time! I have to come with you," I beg. Danny looks between the two of us then says, "Wait, are you in the band?"

Roger nods his head and says, "I'm the drummer." Danny nods his head and let's us continue the conversation.

"I really need to get going love. You can come next time. You should stay here with your brother," he tells me.

"Oh he won't mind, right Dan?" I say giving him puppy eyes. "Yeah, I won't mind," he says. I knew he couldn't resist me.

"Alright, fine. But we need to go now," Roger gives in, looking at his watch. "Thank you! Bye Danny. I won't be home till the late so don't wait up," I tell him.

"Bye little sis. Keep an eye on her, Okay," he tells Roger. "Yup," Roger says.

He grabs his record and we head out the door. Not after I grabbed my camera of course.

"You aren't going to fall asleep this time are you love?" He asks me. "I promise," I tell him.

"I'm sorry about Danny. He's very possessive of me. Almost as much as you," I say tapping his nose.

"It's okay. I understand him, I wouldn't let you go out with any man other than me," he points to himself. "Love you Rog," I say.

"I love you too." He kisses me on the lips and we get into the car.

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