Chapter thirty-one

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"Hello, Mary! Hey, Freddie!" I hold open the door as they come inside. Mary gives me a quick hug and says, "Haply Birthday, Ellie."

I smile in return as Freddie comes to me. He squeezes me as hard as he can and says, "Happy birthday, Darling!"

"I can't breath," I wheeze. "Sorry, dear," he laughs. He walks past me and into the living room. "Hello, Rog!" He says.

I roll my eyes and see that John is here. He's brought  Veronica along too!

"Hello, John!" I greet him, "Nice to see you again, Veronica." She smiles and says, "It's nice to see you too. Happy birthday."

"Yes, Happy birthday, Ellie," John says. "Thank you guys," I say. "Everyone is in the living room," I tell him. Brian and Chrissie got here before Fred and Mary.

"Dan, come on," I tell him. He's waiting for me in the kitchen. He would never admit it, but he's actually quite shy around people he doesn't know!

"Guys, is like you all to meet my brother, Daniel," I introduce them. "That's Freddie Mercury. He's the lead singer of the group," I point, "John Deacon, the bassist, and his wife, Veronica." They both smile and wave.

"Pleasure to meet you," John says. "Then Brian May, guitarist, and his wife, Chrissie," I tell him.

Brian nods his head and Chrissie waves. "And you know Mary," I smile.

"Lovely to meet you all," he says. We sit on the big couch. I sit in the middle between him and Roger. Rog places his hand on my knee and I intertwine his fingers with mine.

We chat for a while and get snacks and drinks before we decide to play charades.

"I'm a cat you idiot!" Freddie says to Roger. "How was I supposed to know that? You looked like an anger bird!" Roger defends himself.

We all burst out laughing. "Okay, the score is My team, 6. Brian, 7. And Freddie's, 3," Mary announces.

Unfortunately, I was on the team with Roger and Freddie. "What! No, we have at least 4 points," Rover protest. "No, we have three because you guys are terrible at this game!" I fuss.

"Oh, darling, I'm not bad at anything," Freddie says. I roll my eyes and lean my head into my palm.

We play a few more rounds and Mary, John, and Dan end up winning.

"Can we do presents now? I can't wait to give you ours" Mary asks. "Yeah, lets do presents," I agree.

Roger decided to wait to give me his until the party, so I can't wait to see what he got me.

Mary hands me her gift bag and I open it up. Inside is a very cute outfit and some makeup. I pulled out the first item on clothing to see a jacket I've been wanting for forever.

"Mary! Freddie! I love it," I lean on to give her a big hug. Next, I get a very charming necklace from John and Veronica. More Polaroid paper from Brian along with a book to keep photos in.

"This is from all of us," Brian says, handing me a small box. Inside is a lovely bracelet with charms on it. "It's wonderful," I tell everyone.

"Okay, Love. It's my turn," Roger says, handing me a box. He wraps and arm around my waist and watches me with anticipation.

I take the lid off and inside find a stereocamera. "Roger! You didn't!" I say. "I did," he says, nodding his head.

"Oh my gosh! I love you so much!" I yell. I grab his face and give him a big kiss as everyone laughs.

I pull it out of its packaging and set it up. "Smile, guys!" I tell everyone.

I snap a portrait of them all together. "This is amazing, Rog," I say, giving him another peck on the lips.

We play a few more games before we decide to turn on the tv and see what movies are playing. Once we find one, we move the couches closer and put blankets on the floor.

I say on the bug couch with Roger and Dan while Mary and Fred sat in the floor in front of us.

We turned off the lights and brought snacks with us to munch on. I leaned into Roger's side as he played with me fingers under the blanket.

I gaze at his face in the dim light of the room. The lights were off and the tv illuminated his features.

He's deeply concentrated on the movie and his eyebrows are pulled together slightly.

"You're so cute," I whisper into his ear, giggling. "I'm not cute," he says, turning to me, "I'm handsome." I bite my lip, holding back my laughter.

I kiss his lips quickly and turn back to the tv. "What are you laughing at, love," he whispers, not to disturb anyone.

"Because you're such a cutie," I tease, poking his nose. "You'll be saying I'm something else when I get you in bed tonight," he whispers, his soft lips brushing against my ear.

I hold in my breath and  suck my lip, trying to cool myself. He bites my ear and pulls away. Resting back against the couch, he looks to the tv as if nothing happened.

I shake my head and lean against his shoulder, pulling the blanket higher. He wraps his arm around my body and pulls me closer.

I can feel his fingers slide under my shirt. His warm hand sends tingles through my body. I sigh and nuzzle my head in his chest.

We sit in comfortable silence through the rest of the movie.


The next day

"Please visit soon," I say into Dan's shoulder as he holds me tight.

"I would if I could," he says. I cry as he tells me this. "Come on Ellie, you know I can't," he explains.

I nod my head. I understand but it's so hard to see him go and not return. "I know. I'm just going to miss you so much," I tell him, pulling away.

"I love you, little Ellisie," he says, messing up my hair with his hand. Usually, I would fuss at him for using my full name, but since he's leaving I'm being sparing.

"I love you too, Danny. Please take care," I say. "I will. Good bye, Els," he tells me. "Bye, Daniel." I give him a kiss on the cheek and watch as he leaves through my front door.

I stand on the porch until his car is out of sight. Instead of grieving inside by myself like I normally do, I decide to call Freddie.

Mary is at work now, other wise I would call her. I would also call Roger, but me and Fred haven't had time together in God knows how long.

Freddie heads over as soon as possible to cheer me up.

"Oh, Darling. Cheer up Ellie. No need to frown," he tells me once I invite him in.

"I know, Fred. It's just I probably won't see Dan for another three months," I say.

"Oh, come one dear, lets watch some tv and gossip," he says, pulling me into the living room. We plop down on the couch and watch whatever show is on first.

That night, we talked and laughed for hours. We bonded a lot and grew even closer than before.

By the end of the night, I was drifting off to sleep on the couch beside Freddie. I tested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I let darkness over come me as I surrendered to my sleepiness.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was being held in someone's arms. It felt like they were walking.

Slowly opening my eyes, I was greeted by Roger Taylor. "Hey Rog. What're you doing. Here?" I whisper.

"Fred called me. Said you could use some of my company but when I got here, you were asleep," he explains. I nuzzle my head back into his chest as he carries me into the bedroom.

He gently lays me down and pulls the covers over me. He kisses my forehead and says, "Goodnight, my love."

"Stay with me," I tell him. "Thank goodness, I thought you weren't going to ask for a second there," he smirks.

I giggle as he hops in bed beside me, pulling me close. "Goodnight, Rog." I whisper. Before I could hear a reply, I was already asleep.

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