Chapter forty-four

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July 19, 1976

I open my eyes and rub away the sleep to be greeted by Roger beside me. He was messing with my hair and twirling it around in his fingers. He was sitting up with his back against the headboard.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up, baby?" He immediately stops and puts his hands at his sides. "Maybe, What time is it?" I ask.

I lean my head in his chest and get comfortable. The sun wasn't out yet so I figured I'd have more time to sleep.

"2:30," He whispers. "Why are you awake, love?" I say, looking up at him. "I was just distracted by the beautiful girl in front of me that I lost track of time," he tells me.

"Did you never fall asleep?" I ask. He shakes his head no and begins to mess with my hair again, combing his fingers through it.

"Roger," I fuss. "You have to be in the studio today." 

We went to bed around one so that means he's been up for an hour and a half. "Tell me the truth, why couldn't you sleep."

"I'm being honest, Ellie. I was think about you. I was thinking about what it will be like when we are married, and if we ever..." he explains.

"If we ever what?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Oh it's nothing," he brushes it off. "Tell me, Rog. What is it," I question.

"Look, I know it's a bit early to be thinking about it but I could help my mind from wandering about a family with you. Like kids, of our own," he tells me.

"Do you want kids?" I ask, amazed at what he just told me. We've never talked about it before, but I think I'd like to have children with Roger.

"Uh, yeah. I do," he says. I smile and climb on his lap. "I love you, Mr. Taylor," I tell him. He smiles, knowing that I agree with him.

"I love you more, Mrs. Taylor," He says. My cheeks grow warm and I peck his lips. "I'm not Mrs. Taylor, yet."

"But you will be, very, very soon," he says. It's true, we set the date to August tenth. "Yes, very soon until I become completely yours and you become completely mine," I whisper.

"God, I got the best women," he mutters, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I pull away and peck his nose. "And I got the best man. Let's go to sleep now, yeah?"

He nods his head and pulls me down on the bed with him. "Happy anniversary, love," he whispers. I kiss his cheek and slowly fall back asleep.


"We really need to find a house," Roger says, peeking through the curtains in the living room.

After we had spent our morning in bed, I cane downstairs to get a glass of water and was startled by all the paparazzi standing outside. Roger came rushing down to see what was wrong and we closed all the drapes and locked the doors.

Our engagement must be floating around. "I actually agree with you this time," I say. "One with gates in a private community preferably," I add.

"We'll get the best house that money can buy," he tells me, walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I smile and grab his hand. "We don't have to be in the studio until six today. Let's go do something for our anniversary," he suggest.

"Roger, I'm not coming with you, remember?" I say. I have a big meeting today about publishing my photographs of the band on tour.

"Yeah, good luck, darling," he says, kissing my neck. I giggled and turned around so I was facing him.

"Let's go get breakfast," I say, pecking his lips. "Ah, but I already have breakfast in front of me." He pushes me back into the counter and continues to kiss my neck.

"Roger, as much as I enjoy this, it's our anniversary and we should be out doing something," I tell him, putting my hands on his chest and pushing him back.

"Okay, lets go get ready," he pouts. Smiling, I shove his arm playfully and head up stairs to change.

It was sunny today so I chose a maroon, mini skirt that was velvety and had a zipper up the front. I paired it with a flowy mustard yellow button up shirt that had flowers in it.

For shoes I wore brown wedges. I decided to add some accessories with round, green tinted sunglasses and a leather purse.

When I emerged from the closet, Roger was rummaging through his dresser. "Now it's pretty sad that I'm ready before you, Rog," I tease.

"That's because I actually put effor-" he pauses when he sees me. "Damn," he mutters under his breath.

"You like?" I ask, doing a little spin. He nods his head eagerly and likes his lips. "I'll pick your outfit out too," I tell him.

I run back to the closet and get a simple black button up shirt and denim jeans. He never dresses casually, so this is the perfect opportunity to make him.

"Here you go." I throw the cloths on his lap. He looks at it questionable but gets up and changes anyways.

"Ok, lets go," He says, emerging from the bathroom. "You look good in jeans." I wink and grab his hand.

I almost forgot about the paparazzi outside, but was instantly reminded when I heard the shutters of their cameras as we walked out the front door.

They were all yelling, asking about our engagement and a few about our anniversary. We ignored them and rushed into Roger's car.

"Pesky reporters," he sighs, starting the car. "I know, I can't wait to move into a house and get away from them," I agree.

"Only three more weeks, love," he says, squeezing my leg. I kiss his cheek and and grab his arm. "I can't wait," I sigh.

Just three more weeks of waiting until I become Mrs. Taylor. Three more weeks till I get to call this man my husband. Wow, this is going to be a hard three weeks.

Guess what? Last regular chapter!! Next chapter is going to be epilogue, but don't worry. I'm writing a sequel!!!!!

P.S. I will probably add a few bonus chapters after the epilogue.

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