Chapter twenty-eight

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"Afternoon, darlings," Freddie waves our way. "Evening, Fred. You ready to get this show on the road?" Roger jokes.

"Actually, you and John need to go lay down the rhythms section of a new song," Freddie explains. "Right, Okay," Roger says.

He hangs up our coats and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Don't fall asleep, love," he whispers. I roll my eyes and push him away.

He kicks Brian out of the booth and climbs behind the drums.

"Let me hear that riff, John," he says. Deaky plays his bass riff and Roger joins in seconds later.

I watch, fascinated, for a little while. I fetch my camera and take photos of all the boys.

"I'm going to head to the ladies room," I say to Freddie after and hour or two. "Alright, dear," he a knowledges me.

I leave the studio and head to the restroom. Feeling slightly tired, I splash cold water on my face to wake me up. I pat it with a towel to dry it and exit.

Walking into the studio, there is no one inside. I was going to walk into the recording booth but stopped when I hear a tune on the piano.

"Back, hurry back. Please bring it back home to me because you don't know, what it means to me," I hear Freddie's beautiful voice.

He plays a little longer, without singing, until the tune comes to a soft end.

I open the door quietly, so I don't scare him, and say, "That is beautiful Fred."

He turns his head to look at me, surprised, and replies, "Yes, It's for Mary."

"Has it got a name?" I ask. "It's called Love of My Life," he tells me. "She's going to love it, Fred," I smile.

His eyes brighten as he looks at me. "The boys went on a coffee run, by the way," he informs me. "Good, I was starting to feel tired," I laugh.

"Come sit with me. I'll teach you something on the piano," he says patting the seat. He scoots over and I sit next to him.

"What is the lesson today, Mr. Mercury?" I joke. He laughs and says, "You'll see, Mrs. Taylor."

"Mrs. Taylor?" I ask, confusion written on my face. "Oh come on, Darling, we all know you and Roger are going to get married and have lots of children," he says.

I blush and and hit his arm. "Freddie!" He laughs at me then lays his hands on the keys.

He plays a complex tune and looks over at me. "Think you can keep up?" he taunts.

"Seven Seas of Rhye?" I quirk an eyebrow, "Try me."

He plays it again and waits. "Fred, you've got to play it slower," I tell him. "I knew you couldn't keep up," he says.

He continues to torture me with his fantastic skills. "This isn't fair!" I fuss. I stand up from the seat and cross my arms.

Freddie looks up at my angry face and burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at?" I say.

"Oh, Dear," he says between wheezing and laughing, "you should've seen your face."

My lips slowly curve up into a smile and I join him in his hysterical laughter.I rest my hand on his shoulder so I won't fall.

"Oh, dear," he laughs, whipping the wetness from his eyes. "That wasn't even funny, Fred," I say once he's calmed down a bit.

"Oh, but it was. Trust me, if you saw your face..." he says but starts to laugh again. We laugh a bit longer then leave the recording booth.

Walking out of the door, still giggling, we are greeted by the boys. "What's got you to worked up?" Brian says amused.

"Oh nothing," Freddie says shooing him with his hand. "Did you get what I asked for?" He says looking through the multiple cups up coffee.

"Here ya go," Roger holds out a cup to Fred. He graciously takes it and begins to sip it. "There you go, dear," John says, handing me one.

"Freddie, I think it'd sound cool if we practice vocals, piano, and bass together," Deaky suggests.

"Alright, lets have a go," Freddie agrees.

I take a seat next Roger and we puts his arm around my shoulders. "Hello, my love," he places a kiss on my cheek. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder. Bringing my hand up to his chest, it stays there as we sit peacefully together.

He plays with my fingers as we listen to John and Freddie. "I love you so much," I tell him while leaning up for a kiss. "Not as much as I love you," he coos.

He kisses me softly and I lean away giggling. "What's so funny," love?" He asks smiling. "You're too cheesy," I tell him.

He laughs and gives me a other kiss. "What time is it?" I ask him. "Eleven," he answers. I rest my head on his shoulder again and hold his hand in mine.

"Roger, Brian, you're wanted in the studio," John says once he comes about 30 minutes later. Roger leaves a peck on my cheek, then he stands up and leaves.

I walk behind the sound panel, so I can watch them. They all have headphones on and are surrounding a microphone.

"Alright, play it back, John," Freddie commands. John presses a button and the tape begins to roll.

The boys must be doing background vocals. They harmonize together with each word. Their voices flow so nice together.

"Why don't you sing with them?" I ask John. "Well, dear, I cant sing," he says chuckling. "Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad," I assure him.

"Trust me, I sound like a dying goat," he says. "John!" I laugh. He laughs a bit too as the boys sing in the back ground.

Minutes turn into hours as the night passes quickly. The boys are completely exhausted and ready to go home. I even caught Fred taking a little nap!

"You ready to go, love?" Roger asks, handing me my coat. I nod my head and reply, "You must be very tired, Rog," I say putting my hands on his arms.

He shakes his head and leans on me like he's falling asleep. "Just stay with me then," I tell him. I run my hands through his hair as he says, "okay, lets go, love."

I decided to drive since he was so tired. It is about 2 in the morning. Once we get inside my apartment, Roger walks to the living room couch.

"Where are you going?" I whisper, not to wake my brother. "I don't want your brother to kill me for sleeping in the same bed as you," he explains.

"Oh come on, Roger. I won't let him. Just come sleep with me," I say grabbing his hand and dragging him to the steps. He nods his head and opens his mouth. I silence him with a finger to the lips and mouth, "my brother," pointing to the door at the end of the hall.

We tip toe into my room, and I quietly shut the door behind us. Roger changes into sweatpants and a t-shirt he had left here before.

I walk into my closet and change into his shirt that I stole and pj shorts. Climbing in bed next to him, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

"Goodnight, Love," he whispers, planting a kiss on my head. "Goodnight, Roger."

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